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Everything posted by Ryziou

  1. Ryziou

    speed art | wp DayZ HD

    Omg that's just epic!
  2. Nice!, I'll have to do that myself when I have the extra spare time.
  3. Duped? I guess your one of them duping people that love duping guns to make a billion of them in tents so if you die you can just run back up to your tent and pick another up.
  4. Ryziou

    Lady luck is on her PMS

    Wow to find all of that, you must have like a rabbits foot of luck or something :o but yeah when I logged back into my server I couldn't even see my tents anymore, stupid server restart bugged my tents out of the game :/
  5. Lololol, "I heard you like bullets" That's hilarious while he takes a whole m1911 clip to the face
  6. Ryziou

    Moving Guns From Pack

    You could just drop your primary then equip the gun from your backpack into your primary then pick up the gun on the floor and place it in your backpack.
  7. Ryziou

    Third person disabled?

    Some servers have third person disabled, so that's probably why
  8. Ryziou

    Who wants a BJ

    Ha ha, that happened to me and my clan when we got in the car, one of us kept falling on conscious so it looked like that :P
  9. Ryziou

    How has this gem gone un-noticed

    Very good cinematic, can't wait for future patches to make this mod even better than it is now
  10. Ryziou

    Let's just say that I didn't log back in

    Did you see his name or anything? you could get him banned if he was killing players in the debug forest
  11. I think this is a solid good idea, it'll be funny to see the amount of bandits that will pop up in every server.
  12. Haha, that's what I did every time when I first played Day Z
  13. Ryziou

    Some feature ideas requesting feedback

    If it gets linked with radio's that would be nice with a maybe 5-20m radius?
  14. Ryziou

    [Video] Bandit Crossbow Fail

    Haha that crossbow bolt just gets stuck in the window, made me laugh