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Everything posted by svennebanan

  1. svennebanan

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Agree with some posts above. Heat blankets are not rare IRL and should not be in dayz either. My thoughts are it should have high spawn rates in supermarkets and hunting towers. Lower but still possible in residential houses and hospital.
  2. Hey! I'm looking to rent an arma 2 CO server and run day z on it. And since it would be more human pricing considered and more efficient having a partner to run the thing with. So I'm looking for a nice person from Scandinavia who wants to get together and co-host a server with me. I'm from Sweden, but anywhere in Scandinavia is fine by me. We would share the rights, responsibilities and prices. It would be somewhere between 25-35pounds per person and per month. Send me a PM and we can talk more. Cheers!
  3. svennebanan

    Want to co-host a server, Scandinavia?

    Alright, people come on, no one wants to help this amazing mod by hosting a server with me?
  4. svennebanan

    Want to co-host a server, Scandinavia?

    Jorden we are renting a server so not sure why you show me that. Not setting it up myself. Ah too bad, join a eu server and try your Ping?
  5. svennebanan

    Want to co-host a server, Scandinavia?

    Bump. Comon lets put up a great new server and keep it clean of all the russian spamming!