Expanding on your quotes: Post apocalypse, you're hungry, desperate for food and water. You see another person, and you know that there ARE bandits out in the world that WILL kill you... and you should look to band together and have double the chance of survival, find more survivors, go hunt together, protect yourselves. It's been like that since de beggining of times. Humans join groups and socialize to gather strenght and overcome dangers, enemies, and hunger. Do you take your chances and ask if he's friendly, and give him a chance to abruptly end your life, or do you just shoot him before he has any chance of shooting you? Well, doing that in real life is a good way of diying real fast as soon as you find a group of organised, civilized, intelligent people that dislike crazy paranoid murderers. That's what it comes down to ...in a game in which you respawn as soon as you die..., and that's exactly how it is in the game. Yes, you're right, that's how it is in the game. That one is true.