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About RutniBeard

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  1. RutniBeard

    Two new weapon ideas

    Eh, I suppose. Like I've been saying though, I'm more interested in SOMETHING that fills the weapon niche previously stated. It could be a kitten tied to a 2x4 for all I care, I just figured that a chainsaw fit. By all means though, if you (or anyone) has some other weapon that fits both the setting and niche then let me know and I'll change the first post.
  2. RutniBeard

    Two new weapon ideas

    I'm generally not too big a fan of zombie games/movies, but I'm pretty sure you'll find shotguns in more movies/games than chainsaws (though agreed they are common). Also, as I already said in my first post they would actually fit (unlike in many of the settings they're probably put in) here due to the fact that there is such a large lumber industry in Chernarus (i.e. it wouldn't be like finding a chainsaw in New York City).
  3. RutniBeard

    Two new weapon ideas

    I'll admit that the chainsaw may not seem to have too much of a use, but consider this: You currently use lets say... a Bison SD as your primary and an M1911 as your secondary. You've been doing your whole surviving thing for awhile now, but you're starting to run low on ammo for your primary... You come across a heli crash and now must get to the loot. -You could use your last Bison mag in the hopes that there are more at the site, but if there aren't then you just wasted more ammo. -You could use your M1911, and you'll get maybe 3-5 before you have to start kiting. By the time you kill all the ones on you, more will have started to spawn -You could attempt to sneak past them, but with so many around that can be a pain. Also, if one does spot you you're not forced into either of the above options -You could use a chainsaw, kill all the zombies, loot the chopper, and then refuel your chainsaw at a gas station later Basically, as I said previously, it would be a mid to late loot weapon that fills a niche no other weapon currently does while having the drawback of noise and being melee to balance it out. Also, I'll admit I have no interest in the chainsaw for the fact that it'd be gory. Hell, I more or less expect it to be like the player holds out the chainsaw, a zombie runs up to them and touches the chainsaw, the zombie then flops over dead as they would from any other weapon. Really the only reason I have an interest in the chainsaw as a weapon is because of the niche it fills.
  4. RutniBeard

    Two new weapon ideas

    With the chainsaw, the role I see it fitting more is a mid-gear melee weapon that is better for taking out lots of zombies (something the hatchet/crowbar aren't the best for) and that uses a somewhat easily-replaceable ammo source. It'd be more of a "My sidearm won't fire fast enough to take out all of these zombies and my primary uses rarer ammo/is a sniper rifle (thus same problem as sidearm).... Good thing I have this handy other weapon in my bag for just this situation".
  5. RutniBeard

    Two new weapon ideas

    Okay, both of these have probably been suggested before but after searching I didn't find anything specifically about them so here goes... The first new weapon that I think would fit well into the game is a chainsaw. First off, there are tons of lumber camps around Chernarus and it would be a bit strange to think that only hatchets were used there before Day Z. Therefore, the addition of the weapon would not really be that location inappropriate. As for how they'd work, it could be a weapon with a new game mechanic made from those already in place in the game. The chainsaw would run off of fuel (possibly having a vehicle-like fuel bar where the ammo would normally be) and could be reloaded with jerry cans. One jerry can would always fill it, and it could be filled from any percentage (that is, if you were at 99% fuel and hit reload, it would consume the entire jerry can to refuel the 1%). As for how the weapon itself would work, it would be a sort of constant touch attack (that is, the character would hold it out in front of them and anything standing there would take damage). As for how much damage it would deal... I'd assume lots but that is up to whoever does balancing. The biggest tradeoff to using this weapon would be that it is loud... very loud. Therefore, it would add quite a bit to the game by being a melee weapon with drastically different mechanics than the two already implemented. As for the second weapon, molotov cocktails. How these would work, is you would need to acquire an empty whisky bottle (or rather, a few), an jerry can, matches, and possibly bandages. Assuming you have these items set in your inventory, upon right-clicking on the empty whisky bottle you would have the option to "create molotov". It would then consume the materials (except the matches, as they're a tool) and create the item. I'd think using a full jerry can you'd be able to make more than 1 at a time... possibly up to 4 (you could say have the materials for only 1, and it would still consume the full jerry can but you could do up to 4 at a time per can). The molotovs could then be equipped as you would an empty can/flare/chem light/etc. and thrown the same way. Upon hitting a surface, the bottle would break and cause an explosion at the point of impact, also setting the immediate area on fire (say for 10 minutes?) causing damage to anyone that walks through it. These would obviously cause quite a bit of noise and light, thus meaning they'd attract lots of zombies (as for whether the zombies would walk into the fire, however, I don't know. Could be a fun distraction/killing tool for them if so). Anyways, I just figured I'd post these two ideas and see what everyone thought as far as mechanics and all that. I like all of the weapons currently implemented into the game, but it would be nice to see a few more with bigger tradeoffs (power for more zombie attraction) and more utility (assuming the molotov fire does damage to zombies).
  6. RutniBeard

    Just not my day today...

    Oh, I'm not mad about it. It was just kind of a "seriously?!?" kind of thing. But like I said, ah well.... I forgot, I have another story of poor luck one of the first nights I was playing with my friend (this one is less about poor luck in the end, but just poor judgement/noobism). So, we start out near Cherno and decide to grab some medical supplies at this "awesome place near Balota". Just as we start to head out, the server crashes and when it comes back up it is in nighttime. We continue anyways, and make it to the airfield. While crossing it, he grabs zed aggro and both of us proceed to run around in a panic since neither of us has any weapons. I finally get him to climb one of the deer stands, while I go into the nearby warehouses to try to find a weapon. Fortunately, I find a hatchet and kill the zombies but the whole ordeal leaves us both at about 7000 blood. We continue on to the camp, only to find someone already inside (from the clan that owns the server, so automatically friendly). Its only then that we realize the ENTIRE thing is surrounded by zombies... Having the only weapon, I end up being the meatshield and hack our way out of the camp, leaving me at ~4000 blood. So now I can't see, but I have the weapon. We head to Cherno since my friend has this "amazing safe spot" and we know there is a hospital there. We have no trouble (other than me staring at his backpack the entire way since I can't see much else) getting in to Cherno, but it turns out his "safe spot" is the smaller hospital (I didn't know this at the time). We climb up the ladder to the roof, and try to plan what to do from here. He decides to go off on his own to the other hospital as I can't see, and proceeds to fall off roof and die while trying to get on the ladder. Fortunately he respawns nearby, so I only have to wait a short time. Thing is, when he comes back he has about 5 zombies on his heels, but he makes it up the ladder just fine. Unsure of how to get down from the building now with them at the bottom of the ladder, he decides to throw a flare over the other side of the building. Unfortunately, he takes one step too many after throwing it and falls off the building again (this time only breaking he leg and bringing him near death). I run over to the ladder to head down to try to save him only to get sniped by someone who almost certainly saw the flare. At this point I call it a night, but he somehow manages to crawl to the other hospital and get all the supplies he needs. In the end, much fun and many laughs were had. Again though, this story was from literally my first night playing which is why I didn't do most of the things I should have done (such as just breaking the glass to enter the hospital we were sitting on top of).
  7. RutniBeard

    Just not my day today...

    It didn't teleport there until I was already on the ladder, and it only was there long enough to attack me once (i.e if I had tried to go back down to do that, it was already gone)
  8. Anyone else ever have one of those days where the entire game seems to be against you? I recently did... I started out in Gorka where I had left off the other day, and decided to head north to check a few of the deer stands I knew to be around. Got to the first two without a problem, but after reaching the third one I encountered an odd bug where a zombie teleported inside the deerstand (that is, underneath it) and attacked me once before teleporting away and forgetting about me. The attack left me with a broken leg, but thats okay since the stand had morphine in it... As I climb down the ladder, the previously aggroed zombie comes at me again from behind and knocks me unconcious with one hit. I recover, and quickly dispatch it, and bandage myself up... at 350 blood. I proceed to spend the next two hours roaming the countryside, unable to see, and searching for any animals to kill so as to heal up. Just as I'm about to give up and respawn, I notice a marker in my peripheral vision: a goat. It allows me to save myself, and within ten minutes I find two more cows to bring myself up to full blood with a bit of food to spare. Things are looking up until... server crash. I log back in only to realize that nothing I had just done had actually happened. It was as if I was logging in fresh again for the day. Confused as to how to feel about this, I proceed to once again check the deer stands. I again make it to the first two with little problem (still nothing good to loot), and this time on the way to the third I notice something off in one of the fields... a heli crash! I sprint over to it (normally I'd be cautious but seeing as the server had just come up I figured nobody would have gotten there to camp it yet) only to find it only has a heatpack and a few cans for loot... Disappointed, I begin to head towards the third deer stand when I spot a second heli crash across the road. I take my time going over to this one only to find that the loot is exactly the same, in exactly the same spot. At this point, I don't even know what to think and just decide to again head for the third deer stand. Right before getting there a zombie spawns on me, knocks me out in one hit, aggroes every other zombie in the area, and I die... Not sure why exactly my luck is so bad today, but I can guarantee you I'll be back on the servers again tomorrow to see how long I can survive ^^ Anyways, anyone else have any stories like this where it more or less seems like the server itself is trolling you?
  9. Nope. Whenever a server restarts the crash sites change. They have set places they CAN spawn (there are supposedly tons of them, which more or less equals every open field large enough). Yes, there are people that use maps or just memorize past places they've found them to check after a server restart, but it is never guaranteed that a heli will be there. You should still always expect them to be camped, of course. Its just that they are a random spawn and thus are *less* camped than say NW airfield or Stary.
  10. So, I've been playing the game for about a week and been doing decently well. Thing is, I was originally going to play with friends but they are rarely online when I am thus meaning I'm solo more often than not. In short, I'm hoping to find a group of survivors to team up with to have a more enjoyable experience with this game. I'm from the US, in the EST timezone and am willing to fill whatever role your group needs filled (unless its say... "bandit fodder"). Err... not sure what other info is needed so if you have any questions just ask...
  11. RutniBeard

    Zombies Stopping Bandits

    I've yet to have that happen to me this patch, but I'd assume its more bug than intentional as I'd had it happen once or twice last patch. Really though, you just have to make sure that they're not actually facing you (can be hard due to them changing direction on a whim). And as I said, if all else fails and one does aggro just hide behind something like a bush or building and it should de-aggro due to being out of sight. In the end, its Alpha and bugs are going to be very common. Also, in your example of being on the building where on the roof were you? Were you on the edge or were you in the middle?
  12. Thing is, NW airfield is a stationary loot spot whereas heli crashes are random spawns and much rarer. I'm not saying they're safe... but they CAN BE safer due to being in the middle of the wilderness. Also, because of the fact that heli crashes change positions on different servers (that is, upon server restart they spawn in different locations and thus a crash will not be 100% at the same place across all servers) you don't have to worry about server hoppers. I agree that they're in no way safe... but they are SAFER...
  13. RutniBeard

    Zombies Stopping Bandits

    I don't think that the new zombie changes really affects banditry, it will just take players a bit to adjust to the new changes. If anything, I could see this change causing banditry to become even more common due to a few reasons. First off, the players who are complaining and won't/can't adapt to the new zeds will start camping areas to kill players for gear they're incapable of optaining in cities. Second, any decent bandits now actually have to worry a bit less about zed aggro when firing since yes they will aggro easier... but you can lose them just as easily (the LOS rules in place for the zeds is a bit of a double-edged sword for them). In short, the new zeds aren't all that more menacing than the previous ones... they just require a change in tactics and I'm sure soon enough the forum posts will change back to "PVP overpowered! Nerf pls!"
  14. RutniBeard

    Tent Questions

    The tent will still be there after a restart, but as for the contents... that depends on if anyone finds it while you're logged out (unless my info on that is obsolete and they're now locked others)
  15. RutniBeard

    Anyone else have Alt+tab issues?

    Oh, and as for other fixes for it in-game so that you're not required to relog... none that I found. I tried Alt-Tabbing a few more times to see if it'd reset it (I've had similar issues in other games in which doing that would fix it) but no luck. Tried doing a bunch of other things that affect view (i.e. zooming/changing to 3rd person/entering a vehicle) none of which worked. Seems like only relogging works (at least for me)