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Stevenzoon (DayZ)

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About Stevenzoon (DayZ)

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  1. Stevenzoon (DayZ)

    DayZ Wanters

    So what is your point? You want a game for free? Fine. I think all do, but as a game is developed by guys who have to feed their families, we mostly have to pay for it. That's how it works and i'm fine with it. Anyhow, DayZ is for free right now and there are several clients like the Six-Launcher or the DayzCommander.
  2. Stevenzoon (DayZ)

    How to find vehicle spawn point from logs?

    would also like to know how to interpretate the coordinates. A scripter portet all vehicles of our server and all players to his location, killed everyone and moved the vehicles to an unknown location. We got the logs but we do not find any vehicles till now.
  3. Stevenzoon (DayZ)

    Q: Heli Chinook on Takistan ?

    found a damaged one at the northern Airfield. Seems to be part of the map.
  4. Stevenzoon (DayZ)

    LAV-25 or AAV AMTRAC

    During a Zombieapocalypse i would definitely prefer an armored vehicle. BUT i'm against this kind of armor in this game because they will simply be overpowered. Expect one Clan with that thing. They will definitely kill everyone they see everywhere and you wouldn't have any chance to outrun or hide from them because they will simply blow up the whole building. Yes, there are Bazookas in the game but literally nobody uses them because you will loose the Backpack and.... lets be serious, how big is the chance that you'll encounter those Armour and not being killed by an AS50 kiddy.
  5. Stevenzoon (DayZ)

    Server respawning vehicles after restart

    same here, repaired that uaz 3 fucking times. restart -> wrecked at old place
  6. Stevenzoon (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    seems to be a bot :P BUY ALL THE SHOES
  7. Stevenzoon (DayZ)

    Spawned in barricades?

    the bench is part of the game :)
  8. Stevenzoon (DayZ)

    free loot

    went there, took (literally) plenty of stuff, and killed one cheater / duper who tried to guard it in his ghillie suite, hope he gets banned
  9. Stevenzoon (DayZ)

    Banditen Clan sucht Verstärkung

    Bin seit knapp 2 Wochen bei Elysium und werde das mal ausführlicher beschreiben: Die Bande besteht aus ca. 30 Leuten, wir haben 2 (bald 3) Server und es ist praktisch immer jemand online. Der Großteil des Clans kommt aus den USA, es gibt aber auch Spieler aus Panama, Großbritanien, Norwegen und eben auch Deutschland. Falls ihr auf der Suche nach ner hilfsbereiten Gemeinschaft und knallharte Action seid, freuen wir uns über eure Bewerbung.
  10. Stevenzoon (DayZ)

    Cant Connect With Six Launcher (Wrong Version)

    same problem here
  11. Stevenzoon (DayZ)

    What to do in this situation, PvP

    you did well and should be lucky that their shot missed you. encountered an similar situation today, was looting the apartments at cherno hospital and suddenly someone opened fire on me, so i moved back into the house, going into defensive position and wrote that they should go away as i dont wanted to kill anybody or get killed... one obviously didnt get a shit, sneaked into my house and got shot. when i finaly left the house, one was shooting with a pistol but wasnt able to hit me as i vanished thorugh the bushes. Guys, never send the one with the CZ to close combat ;) So, you did well and i press thumps you go on with that luck :)