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Yin (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Yin (DayZ)

  1. I was running to a Deer Stand near Stary and about 100m in front of me was a dead guy lying in the middle of a field. All i could see was he AS50 sticking up from the ground.

    You wanna seen the stuff this guy had.

    -He had AS50 (Not the normal kind, when i zoomed in with it, it was dark, like a night vision weapon) with 4 Mags

    -G36 Camo with 4 Mags

    -7 Satchel charges

    Plus lots of other stuff

    I took the AS50, but dropped it 5 mins later as i did not understand the zoom sight. I am not a sniper.

    Are satchel charges legit?

    It was clearly a nice kill for someone

    Well, the As50 u got is actually thermal sight, so its better then the normal as50 cause u can use it even during the night, a satchel charges are legit. And u won't and can't get banned for using hacked weapon unless you spawned it in, says by rocket dean himself.

  2. And I find M107 mags every night in deer stands and at chopper wrecks not to mention player tents and vehicles. I would tell you to stop huddling in Electra like a new kid in daycare but that means you'll end up in my playground and I'd rather snipe you in yours.

    he means AS50 NATO round, not M107 round, they are different by large.
