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Utopia -Rescue Team-

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Everything posted by Utopia -Rescue Team-

  1. Utopia -Rescue Team-

    No Respawn, why would I support offical release?

    Isn't that a lie ? However, don't worry, the game'll be support @ release, and this function is disable for devs to find another solution, i bet. Last but not least, remember, this is a Beta, how dare you crying like a sissy princess for your "respawn button"
  2. Utopia -Rescue Team-

    a second zed gender?

    This is a meeeeeeeeeeeeen's woooooooooooorld No, seriously, that's an interesting question, we need female zombies ! I'll now create the next topic, for elders and childs.
  3. Utopia -Rescue Team-

    BE1 server, hack/cheat

    Hi, We (The rescue team, a group of friends from france and belgium) are playing on the BE1 server for some weeks now. This server is stable, restart every 4 hours, and always have the latest version installed. However, it seems like a big problem is ruining the game here, all is almost in the title, except details, let me explain. We've got some camps (tents) and some vehicles, for the team roam sessions. This afternoon, monday 07/23, Slivo, a team member, was near Olcha, 500 meters straight north in the forest, to get our hidden bus and roam. A player, we haven't got no name, was trying to leave the place with the bus. Instantly, the fight begun, Slivo used a plenty M4 charger on the player, directly through the bus window, and then 2 chargers while the player was breaking the wheels outside (Yes he get out of the bus, under fire, and tried to immobilize the bus). At this point, you just think "Slivo just has the baddest aim ever, with the M4", but wait, first, Slivo is sure to have killed this guy 4 times, and secondary, here is the best part. Not even dead, after a total of 4 clips used by Slivo, the player turn a little bit, and then, SHAZAM, a UH-1H Huey ( The helicopter) popped in the field where he was aiming. Unfortunatly, the player get into the 'copter as a passenger, and Slivo took the pilot seat ! Slivo landed off, and stopped in stationary flight, to talk with the cheater. Slivo asked why he did this, how he did etc ... The answers weren't clear, not even in english, Slivo isn't sure. The player disapeared fast, and Slivo brought the Copter and landed near a camp, North-East of the map (hidden and quiet). Whitecrowz, another team member came. Slivo and him were talking about what just happended, when a single bullet killed Slivo (still on pilot seat). Last but not least, Whitecrowz saw every player on the server appear just beside the 'copter, all grouped. Everybody was shooting, Whitecrowz died, end of the story. What happened is suspect, we just decided to move and blacklist this server. However, if someone is cheating on BE1, or maybe the owner(s) of BE1, he(they) deserves a ban. Feel free to post feedback, if you experienced similar issues, on this server ! Regards, Uto