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About Mako_Leader

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    On the Coast
  1. Server - US360 Time 21:45 AEST Australia Player named "Superman" appeared infront of me and shot me at co-ords(approx) 013/036 in the far north east. Approx 15 - 20 secods latter he appeared next to a friend I was on TS with and killed him at Zelenogorsk. This kind of thing is why Lingor is so popular and people just can't wait for WarZ. Goodbye DayZ.
  2. Mako_Leader

    us 621 locked

    Dear Schalart, Sorry mate, never heard of you before, or this bus you claim to have stolen. My post was refering to what I was going to do after I was killed in a friendly fire incident. And as Grim says, US621 has never been locked, not even for a single second. Not even when we keep getting hit by hackers and moders. And the couple of restarts you mention have been because visual glitches have been making it near impossible to enter the NWAF, Berez or Cherno, the Admins are just trying to keep the server and the game playable for everyone. Please have a very nice day, I'll keep a lookout for you in the game so I can say hi. Mako.
  3. Mako_Leader

    Should armed vehicles be added to Dayz?

    No. No armoured vehicles. not now, not ever. The point of DayZ is having to run around on foot for the most part, and damn but it's fun. One vehicle I would like to see though is a repairable fire truck with a water cannon. That would be fun. Non-leathal zombie sprawling havocy fun! What about it Rocket??? Let's have a fire truck!!!!!!