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  1. Not Home

    Make this shit hard. Less supply loot.

    I agree to some extent. Deer stands are definately too OP as they give far to much reward for little risk but when I first started playing every hour was a desperate search for my next meal or drink. I would log on thinking right i need to find a tin of beans or a water source or i will die 20 mins from now. It was awesome. I think what u are describing is the starting game or 'bean wars' but as I became more experienced and learned the map I learned how to survive in the wild and became self sustainable. My character is at the point where i stand to risk all by venturing into town and gain nothing but this will always happen eventually or your character will die. Its the only 2 outcomes so I have completed the game in my view. I think we desperately need and end game which doesn't involve basic survival but other social needs to keep DayZ interesting after bean wars but not to make loot too hard to find or new players won't have a chance.
  2. Not Home

    Survivor Camp

    I certainly don't want these camps to be 'safe'. Trading camps will most likely be camped by bandits on the outskirts. What I want is an 'endgame'. Ownership and trade provide this. Group rivalry provides this. You still have the fear and danger. You have perma death no weapon to begin with etc. I think camps should be far enough away from spawning areas so that it doesn't ruin the early game. For example u would need supplies in order to make it to one of these camps like devils castle so would need to play bean wars first.
  3. Real life? <_< Whats the suggestion? nerf zombies? No way!!!!!
  4. Not Home

    Suggestion: Riding Horses.

    +1 for this. Picture this, your friend is in a city fending off 30 zombies and needs help desperately or he will die. You ride into town on the back of your horse, he gets on the back and you both high tail it out of there with your friend firing at the persuing zeds!
  5. Not Home

    Night = More loot

    Server hopping is a seperate issue but i think the ideas in this guy's thread address them pretty well http://dayzmod.com/f...ffski-problems/
  6. Not Home

    Night = More loot

    Would u use the night for cover more if u knew there were better rewards out there? I know what you're saying but I don't think the airfields and traditional sweet spots need adjusting much. cities at night i think should have loot more like before the patch when they removed most guns from these areas. I really want to stress that there should be more challenge for these loot spots though like tougher, more alert zombies in the night or even just more of them so that this is only accomplishable with a friend or 2. The idea here is to give incentive to play at night and to form groups.
  7. Time limit isn't important mate. This can be tweaked anyway but the idea is a sound one.
  8. Not Home

    Night = More loot

    Um.......I said nothing about lowering loot during the day. Just increasing it at night.
  9. Not Home

    Infected, well, infect

    Yep this would be cool but also frustrating like having your legs broken by a glitch if every time u got hit u were infected. I've never had a playthrough where i didn't get hit once by a z. My vote is to become infected if u get hit by a zombie while your blood is below a certain point, for example 6000. Other than that great idea and your group may not even know that u could turn at any time.
  10. Not Home

    Night = More loot

    Fair enough but how about NVG's only being spawnable at night to make them less common?
  11. I like this idea very much. Maybe 10 mins is a bit long but thats all. This would stick it to those pesky loggers. Using Eve as a reference point is also good I think as it has much in common being a player driven game. I also referenced it in my very first post http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/9-survivor-camp/page__st__20. To add to this I think players should have to log off or at least log in at the nearest forest to deal with ghosters and alike.
  12. Not Home

    Night = More loot

    Couldn't find this in search so sorry if its already posted. Basically I think loot drops should be much better at night so that players have an incentive to play at this time. Also I think night vision gogles should be taken out of the game because I think managing light sources is much more fun. Great night loot should be counteracted by there being more or even tougher zombies so that players can only get this loot if they are realy stealthy or if they group up. Thoughts?
  13. Not Home

    Survivor Camp

    Less artificial than AI controlled camps and at some point there has to be a 'mechanic' for bases or there would be no advantage to go to one since they are too easy to lose while u are logged off. It works in Eve anyway but if u have some alternative, less artificial, way to do this i'd love to hear it.
  14. Not Home

    Survivor Camp

    I had a similar idea so searched forums and found it here. I think it would be a great thing to have a 'camp' like area but controlled by players. I am a long time Eve Online player and I think this game can take many pointers from it since they've been updating and refining it for years. Specifically the way eve null sec soverenty works. So here's my proposal for what its worth. So camps can be taken over by groups of players who form named groups. Here other players can come to trade if the owners of the base are friendly or neutral towards them by accessing a trade point just outside the entrance that is active even when the hosts are offline. There is no currency in the apocalypse but u exchange goods for goods, for example u could buy a hatchet for 3 cans of beans etc. the hosts decide what equipment is worth to them and set an exchange value. This means all equipment that exists in the game has to be looted at some point and consumed, creating a liquid market. A base cannot be conquered by other groups immediately since no1 can spend all day playing DayZ (although i wish i could). Instead a rival group must use a charge on the gate to the base or similar mechanic that makes the base become 'vulnerable' in 24 hours. This will give the controlling group time to organise a defence. The fight for the base then takes place between the rival teams. This could be a capture point in the base now the gates are open for example. After an amount of time there is a winner which decides the new owner of the base, who gain all the equipment located within. The base becomes secure and the process can start again. Not really my idea but Eve without high sec in a zombie apocalypse is a sweet idea in my book.