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About Frenzy

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Frenzy

    Death by wife

    My wife does this, you have to learn to use your peripheral vision!
  2. If you are considering these weapons as a sniper then you really should be going for the M14 for one extremely important reason, the MK48 fires tracer rounds.
  3. He missed one name that should be added to that list, "Dakke", dirty Swe! :ph34r:
  4. Frenzy

    Why am I being punished?

    Is there any reason why you can't use DayzCommander to find the daylight servers and then write down the name of the servers and launch them in whatever way you currently do?
  5. Sniper rifles seem pretty common as soon as you get further north, the real rarities are things like the M240, MK48, M4A1 CCO SD, M16 Acog. The only really rare rifles are the AS50s and Dragunovs and even then I have seen plenty of AS50s because people never leave these on the people they kill. Have seen one Dragunov which I looted from a player I killed, this seems to be the rarest weapon in the game. Hopefully with the ammo changes these high end snipers will start to be used less, 107 rounds aren't exactly that rare though, be nice if they moved these to barracks/HCS spawns.
  6. Does anyone know if satchel charges can be found in the game, Dakke killed a dude yesterday and I nicked all of his shit which includes a couple of satchel charges. In other news he also had a MK48, fuck yeah! :D Edit: Nvm, found them on the Wiki and are barracks only spawns
  7. Ahh there was a dude on the hill that I killed about 5 mins before but he had a L85, I did wonder what the fuck he was firing at. I only had a M1911 but I fucked him up good and nicked his shit :D
  8. Hey Arch3r, this is Dakkes PoV and our mumble from the other night when we killed you, see the retards I have to work with, can't even read a god damn map :P
  9. I popped on last night but it was dead, got more people in our Mumble :P
  10. Don't worry he will be sitting in the open field and he can't shoot for shit :lol:
  11. SE Of Devils, needs Engine and Rotor to take off. The Helicopter. Oh BTW Cas it was me and Dakke that killed you the other day when you were on your bike :D
  12. Yeah happened same time as the fight, I was hiding. There is now a totalled Heli and a repairable heli just off devils castle. BTW archer I was the one you opened up on on the hill and also the one that run a circle around you :D Had no ammo ;) I was spotting for you though :P Edit: One of them was Melonsarecool coz I found his corpse
  13. So just been in a fire fight with two helicopters, was just after we killed Archer. Wasn't you lot in them was it?
  14. I personally think the hacker is just nicking as many vehicles as he can and just hiding them.