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Posts posted by Nebby

  1. Found it in server-log as admin of NL50. This player played indeed on our server. Don't look at the times, because of GMT)

    10:09:19 Player Raouliii connected (id=38883974).

    10:09:19 BattlEye Server: Player #20 Raouliii (78.XX.93.XXX:2334) connected

    10:09:20 BattlEye Server: Player #20 Raouliii - GUID: 3e3cbeb0677e1281a8XXXXXXXXXXXXX (unverified)

    If an DayZ-staff member can do something with this, i will send the details

    Do me a favor and add him to your banlist.txt

  2. There is nothing worse than a combat logger. I was counter-sniper people from the hale bail filled hill north of electro (taking out Dobry snipers) a guy spawns on top of me and puts a bullet in my head. Thankfully the server crashed seconds after so I respawned with my gear and moved my position, but it was a close run thing.

    Well, we werent that Lucky. Oh well, atleast starting from scratch is fun. But i still hate people that combatlogs. Its so damn low. He could atleast have killed me the proper way.

  3. Hey guys!

    Its my turn to tell a "story".

    Today, my mate and i were sniping Elektro, and racking up some pretty nifty kills with our newly acquired gear( NVGS, Rangefinders, AS50, SVD Camo, And ghillies)

    However, suddenly i hear some rustling noises behind us, and i turn the camera to see a ghillie derping around behind us. I ask my mate if he is running, and he answers no, i then line a shot in the head of the ghillie with my AS50 and take him out. http://i.imgur.com/8hkfA.jpg The player was name Raoulii.

    However, shortly after he died, he left the server, and of course we didn't move, cause he left the server, right?

    Still, just 10 minutes afterwards, i check the player-log only to see Raoulii back on the server, and 20 seconds later he pops a couple of bullets into us.

    Not giving up, i spawned in Elektro and found a CZ sniper in the barn next to our spot and found the bastard, however the guy had put on a ghillie(we had spares) so he was rather hard to spot, and it ended with me taking another bullet to the head.

    The morale of the story? I don't know. If theres a ghillie sneaking up on you and leaving after you kill him, move to a different spot...

    Also, if any of you guys meet him on a server, put a bullet into his head from me.

    All this happened on the server NL50.

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