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About CruelCoin

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. CruelCoin

    dayzmod.com - Aug 2012 - Q&A with Rocket

    Current "average life expectancy" is 49 minutes; What is your ideal life expectancy target for the mod?
  2. Wow, looks good. IRL Information Name: Roy Age: 27 Location: Ireland Timezone: GMT Do you meet ALL the requirements? If not, which ones are you missing and why?: Meet them all. Game Information IGN: CruelCoin Steam ID (if applicable): CruelCoin Desired group role (Medic, sniper, spotter, etc): Forager. I'm a natural hoarder in any games i play, and would fit best into a scout/forager/supply role. You should see my Lydia in Skyrim. Poor girl is carrying at least 3 tonnes worth of gear. Why you would like to join? What interested you about us? (min. 4 sentences): This game is best suited for team play. Lone survivors can do ok, but generally come off the worst for wear when they meet a group. In a survival state apocalypse, strength in numbers is key. I love the idea of an in-game island of order in a chaotic world. I can be a little draining to be under constant stress, knowing that you are NEVER safe anywhee in the world. This doesn't help those with limited/fractured playtime, and the majority of their play will be dominated by set-up time and not by fun based play. An island of peace would greatly aid me in playing for 30 mins, logging for 2 hours, and then coming back from 30 mins, etc. I'm pretty new to the game, only having clocked up 5/6 hours or so, but what i've seen so far is amazing. I have no doubt that in future, team based mechanics will be added to the mod, but untill then, independent efforts like yours are great. What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?: Patient, honest, good at picking my moments which suits this game well. I used to run my own Minecraft server, and well know the annoyance of griefers, and will avoid behaviour like that like the plague. Dying for the cause is no issue for me. Provided i get a chance to occasionaly be the one not doing the dying, then this is fine by me.
  3. How do you incorrectly spell your own username?
  4. CruelCoin

    spawning without weapon?

    It's not the difficulty i take issue with. Its the helplessness. Right now, you can only deal damage with man made object. Sticks and stones all over the place and i can't use them. Fists that are totally useless. I get attacked by a zombie, and i have to stand there, mewling softly while he eats me alive. I don't even have the ability to claw feebly at him. I'm not talking about making it easy. I'm talking about making it survivable.
  5. CruelCoin

    Extreme bobbing?

    Sweet. Knowing i can turn off the motion blur and bobbing is a great help. Cheers all.
  6. CruelCoin

    spawning without weapon?

    Not sure this is entirely a good thing. It's a bit of a kick in the teeth for new players to spawn without a weapon, sneak up to village, get spotted and die, without any way to defend yourself. It renders your game start to sneak successfully the very first time, or die. Would be all that bad to give us a broken broom handle, a bb gun, a stanley knife or something? Doesn't need to be powerfull, it just needs to be something, anything!
  7. CruelCoin

    Extreme bobbing?

    Allo all. One thing that is really putting me off is the extreme bobbing i experience when crawling or running. When i'm watching lets plays they have a little bobbing, but nothing major. For me, its so bad i really can't see anything while moving. This essentially makes we work like this: Run-stop-turn-run-stop-turn - This being the only way i can really navigate. Please tell me there is a setting somewhere i can change? It's not due to frame-rate as this is 50+ Cheers for any and all advice. CC.