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Everything posted by Vrook

  1. Everything seems working fine but me and my friends experienced some HUUUGE graphic glitches. The main concentration of these glitches was in Berezino and it was literally unplayable. We are all using ATI graphic cards (5770, 5870 and 4870) and we all have the latest drivers.
  2. The issue with zombies seeing you at longer distance isn't that bad. I think it's more realistic (if possible in zombie game) that you cannot crawl two meters in front of a zeds face and it's just a matter of getting used to it and learn how it works. But strange thing happend to me and my buddies last night. We were in Berezino and zombies were obviously broken. I know that they spawn all at one place in large groups and than they spread around, but this time, they were running around, chasing something that wasn't there or laying on ground moving their heads but staying on place. Than they have spotted us when we were in the large red building on a top floor, not moving. They have lost sight of us immediately, but it was strange. We haven't seen them acting this strange anywhere else but Berezino. Edit: And we experienced fps drops when staying in Berezino for a while. Reconnecting helped tho.
  3. Playin on CZ01 with two buddies. One of them lost AS50 and the other lost SVD-camo, while reconnecting from another server. EDIT: And one of them keeps spawning unconscious.
  4. Vrook

    Experimental test patch

    Are the servers connected to hive? Is the loot I collect and progress I make gonna save?
  5. Vrook

    Newest Dayz version screwed up whole game

    No it wont, but what actually helps is to remove the @dayz folder out of the arma2: OA steam folder. Just move it somewhere out of the folder and you can play campaign or editor and when you want to play dayz again, just move the @dayz folder back - or at least I think it should work, I didn't try to put it back, since I'm not trying to play DayZ until its all fixed and working.
  6. Vrook

    Experimental test patch

    I've tried it a few minutes ago with my friend. First thing was, that when I've looked in some village with a binoculars, the zeds were just standig/sitting there, not moving at all. And than when we decided to go down there for some loot, we agroed few zombs at 20-30 meters while crawling. I dont know if this is to be fixed but if not it seems like a drastic change to increase the agro radius from 4-5 meters to 20-30.
  7. Vrook

    Newest Dayz version screwed up whole game

    Still not working and keeps popping the "error crating direct3d Pgraphical engine" message. Here is what I did: I've run ArmA2OA.exe in steam folders and it has let me disable the dayZ mod and restart the game. But it wont start again because of that error message. Even when running as admin.
  8. Vrook

    Newest Dayz version screwed up whole game

    I've run arma2OA.exe, it has finally let me disable the dayz mod. Than it said the game must be restared and I tried so but it wont run again, it just pops this error message: error creating direct3d 9 graphical engine
  9. Vrook

    Newest Dayz version screwed up whole game

    He means he cannot play Arma 2 campaign and editor. And I have the same problem. I've heard you can just disable the dayz mod, but when I try to do that in the menus ingame it won't let me. Any suggestions?
  10. Vrook

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Well since I've heard its really hell playing at day coz the zeds will notice you on 100m, I wanted to try some OA campaign missions. Didn't work. So didn't the editor. It seems the dayZ patch somehow broke it. When I tried to disable dayZ in menus in game, it didn't let me. How should i do it?