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Dr Cheese

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100 Excellent

About Dr Cheese

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    Devon, UK
  • Interests
    Staying out of trouble
  1. I gave that one 9/10 lols, I had to deduct one lol because he didn't label the axes correctly
  2. Dr Cheese

    Adding big foot to the game?

    While they're at it they could add aliens, vampires and werewolves too. I'm thinking maybe out in the wilds you could find a crashed ufo with like lasers and shit lying around, maybe plasma rifles too. If you could get some spare flying saucer parts then you could fix it up and fly around in a ufo! With the vampires then, in houses you could find garlic and use your hatchet and knife to break up furniture and make wooden stakes that could be used in the crossbow, churches would obviously have holy water and crucifixes and stuff. Wicked! Werewolves, you'd need silver bullets of course so maybe in houses you could find some jewellery, make a fire to melt it down for bullets. Obviously if you got bit by one then you'd become a werewolf too, so when there's a full moon you would rip all your clothes off and run around all naked and hairy, then next morning you'd have lost all your gear and have to find clothes and stuff again. So other players would know you are a werewolf because you're butt naked and covered in blood. I'm totally serious.
  3. Dr Cheese

    Lingor Island: Dump Yard Ramp

    lol Evel Knievel meets the zombie apocalypse, bonus points for taking out the zombie
  4. Dr Cheese

    So, I thought 16 would be a decent ping...

    yeah I quite often have ping over 100 and don't get kicked, weird
  5. Dr Cheese

    You're Zombie Survival Gear!!

    I used to have one of those old 1980s MOD issue tin openers that came in the ration packs, came in handy a few times!
  6. Dr Cheese

    You're Zombie Survival Gear!!

    I think to finish off you could do with one of these: and some: And forgive me for being a pedant but that isn't a hacksaw, it's a bow saw. Remind me to never let you near my workshop... :P
  7. Dr Cheese

    My Personal Challenge

    I fixed that for you ;)
  8. Dr Cheese

    This is so funny when it's happening

    That'll be the acid kicking in
  9. Dr Cheese

    Zombies use of Profanity's?

    lol I had one ask me if I was friendly once. I answered with a shower of hot lead, which means "No" in any language
  10. Dr Cheese

    How about a map with snow weather

    yeah Thirsk is quite a nice map, only 150km though
  11. Dr Cheese

    The hell went off here?

    I found a similar scene at the field hospital near Balota once, seven dead players, a car, tractor and atv all with headlights on and engines running. I wish I had seen the events that lead up to it though...
  12. Dr Cheese

    Nerf doors.

    Even Chuck Norris is scared of the doors I have to say I've never been hurt by a door or a rock in dayz I already learnt from playing arma
  13. That's Utes isn't it? I have to say it looks exactly the same as on my gts 250,
  14. Dr Cheese

    Mad Max Dayz?

    Maybe someone will do a dayz Jade Groove? V8 Interceptor not included btw! http://www.armaholic...ge.php?id=10498
  15. Dr Cheese

    Your Final Words Before Death

    "Oooow, f*ck that hurts" in an Eastern European accent