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About dierampe

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. dierampe

    Vehicles just disappear ?

    But it disappeared BEFORE the Server restart. And reappeared after restart. Just for your information :)
  2. I had this for 2 times now: I find a vehicle, drive it to a safe location and safe it. Then I go to a near city to loot something. After 30 Minutes I come back and the vehicle is not there anymore. But on the next day (after server restart I guess) Its there again with all items in it. Is this a known bug? Has anyone else this problem?
  3. dierampe

    Best way to find Heli Crashes?

    I have found at least 2 Helis at points that are not on this map, so Im very sure it just random now. As said above check open fields. The Area around Stary and to the west from there has a lot of open fields, but there is no guarantee that ou will find something there.
  4. dierampe

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    The more Zombie games the better. I will play whatever is the best one at this moment. For now DayZ is way better than all other alternatives.
  5. let me think............... NO! :D
  6. interesting idea, tell me more
  7. Hey Guys, you know medical loot only spawns in the big cities at the coast. But its dangerous there if you have good equippment on you and with a broken leg you cant even get there sometimes. Bandages and Painkillers are no problem most of the time. But without a BloodBag or Morphine in the right moment you are just dead. So, what is your strategy to ensure that you always have BloodBags/Morphine ? Edit: Thanks to everybody for the tips. Let me just write down the best ones in short here: - Play with friends - Get medical supplies at Berezino Hospital (less Players there) - Look for military Spawns, can also spawn medical stuff (heli crash sites, Deer Stands, Airfields) - go to the big cities BEFORE getting great gear and take as much as you can from the Hospitals - BloodBags and Morphine are more valuable than Bandages and EpiPens - have a tent to stock up medical stuff - keep at least 2 morphine on you
  8. War gestern auf dem TS Server und hab jetzt wieder 2 neue nette Mitspieler in meiner Steam Freundesliste ^^
  9. dierampe

    Remington or M1014

    remington got a flashlight attached, but they are both good Shotguns.
  10. dierampe

    Beta Patch Downloading

    just retry downloading a few times until download starts
  11. dierampe

    Do you like to sniper, Why?

    As written in OP I have never used a sniper weapon yet. So i have no idea which one is good. What weapon would you recommend to a sniper noob to get comfortable with sniping?
  12. dierampe


    Thats right, take a not too loud secondary weapon like the M1911 and your perfect equipped for all situations and find lots of ammo all the time. My favorite primary weapons besides the enfield are FN FAL and AKM at the moment. But you find less ammo for those.
  13. dierampe


    Nice, where is this from?
  14. dierampe

    Suche Gruppe! /LFG German

    Darf ich fragen was LFG bedeutet?
  15. dierampe

    Do you like to sniper, Why?

    I got the FN FAL at the moment for the first time. I made a few shots on zombies at 320 m range just to get a feeling for the weapon. And I love this weapon hits perfectly on this range.