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Everything posted by crazyairborne

  1. crazyairborne

    MmmM low blow

    thred confuzez me
  2. crazyairborne

    Was it a hacker?

    since you were teleported to a spot right in front of them, i would say yes, hackers.
  3. crazyairborne

    DayZ browser map with customizable notes.

    i think its an awesome idea. and you would think someone out there has made it happen somewhere, post it up here if you find one.
  4. crazyairborne

    Graphic Glitch: The Fractal Nuke

    nothing to do with your computer, everything to do with the game/engine etc. when my group of 4 all with different comps and gpus all had the same issue when looking in the same direction, we knew it was a game issue and not ours. -add another bug to the list
  5. crazyairborne

    Night Time Servers too Lighted?

    pretty sure it depends on the hour of the night you are in. as the night goes on, it gets VERY dark.
  6. crazyairborne

    Wow, the barracks are lame--NO THEY'RE AWESOME

    well you can VAULT over the bench in the front door of the barracks.
  7. when you first log into a server, your character is standing straight up and available for people to shoot for like 15 seconds before you are even able to see your screen/character. so maybe in that time, someone shot you?
  8. happened to me and 2 of my mates, all got kicked at the same time, one person WAS driving a vehicle when it happened
  9. crazyairborne

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Thanks +Ben+ for the medical assistance!!!!
  10. crazyairborne

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Zeleno is south of me at Pusto, im laying in the hills with broken legs, but it looks like it might be awhile before you are over this way
  11. crazyairborne

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    sent you a PM, im looking for assistance in the northwest oustide of Pustoshka
  12. crazyairborne

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    need morphine just west of Pusto. Anyone around to help me out? i can give exact coords when needed.
  13. crazyairborne

    Zombies way too hard now

    i was about to post a thread asking WTF happened to zombies, i recently lost my well eqipped and nicely geared character, and having to start over, its frickin nuts. found an AKM and shot once, HS the target, had about 9 zombies aggro to me, that just lame later on with friends, i had full HP, had about 3 aggro onto us as a group, i got hit and knocked unconscious (pretty much on the first hit), went from 12000 blood to 3000 in about 3 seconds, my mates could barely kill the 3 Z's fast enough to keep them from killing me. it was ridiculous, and we all had at least AK series rifles. holy crap i need to stay out of towns now. go walk around in a building, you draw about 5 zombies in. the hearing seems kinda OP as it is right now
  14. crazyairborne

    As long as I didn't hack it in right?

    theres not very many weapons in the game, you'll start remembering them soon enough.
  15. crazyairborne

    i get those black lines in stary only

    i was just getting them at Balota too. made me quit playing it was so redic.
  16. crazyairborne

    Fake or idiots or both?

    what!?! cuz someone killed someone with a hatchet? are you kidding me? lots of worse blood and gore and violence out there in games than this. and plus this was a player created event. not a script or cutscene like some games with worse gore and killing. get real dude.
  17. crazyairborne

    Fake or idiots or both?

    totally awesome. why would it have to be fake or them be idiots? this kind of stuff is why i play this game.
  18. crazyairborne

    Tom Berenger has a lot to answer for

    ive only been playing a few weeks, but it seems everyone wants/needs a sniper rifle as a secondary weapon. I agree the mil spec ones could be more rare. i think it would help pvp balance for sure.
  19. crazyairborne

    DayZ: A neat game with no endgame

    i think the OP has a lot of good suggestions, and has stayed pretty professional and impersonal with his replies. most of the responses have started name calling and flaming, and he's kept his cool. i respect that. personally, I think it would cool to have some different Z's. Why not? In a real zombie infestation, im sure there would be a few Z's you would come across that just dont go down as easy. maybe even like make it be a random HP percentage on every Z or something, with like a 15% difference in HP or something, just to keep it unpredictable and interesting. you never know what you are going to come across, get unlucky and happen to pull 3 +20% or something zombies and see what happens. i would like the game to be harder in that perspective.
  20. crazyairborne

    Ghillie suits

  21. crazyairborne

    Guns less powerful?

    how much HP does a Z have?
  22. Well we had heard of the fire consuming the world hack thing, and my friend (whos in the video) had seen it personally himself, but we didnt expect to find what we did once we came up over the hill.....
  23. well to be fair, we were very curious and i thought "lets see if these things actually fly" you know one of those moments when you should probably leave it be, but ur curiosity gets the best of you. and its just a video game so what the heck, might as well try to fly this beast!