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About crazyairborne

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    American in the UK
  1. The Chaos Train The Chaos Train - [TCT] is looking for a few new people to join us as we play the mod and prepare for SA to release. We are a gaming community of mature people who enjoy some great laughs and a few alcoholic beverages as we play DayZero or whatever the group is feeling. We've been gaming together for a few years, and last year when Planetside 2 came out, we decided to go official and make a clan and start recruiting. As a clan, we've since moved on from Planetside 2, and are now waiting patiently on DayZ to be released. We are playing Arma 3, Rome 2, War Thunder, and quite a few other games.There is always someone online playing something. We are a small group, and dont have any drama at all, so we would have to make sure any new players fit in with out playstyle and meshes with the group. 18+ only please. You can find out more about us on our site, http://www.chaostrain.com/ add me on steam "CrazyAirborne" or jump on mumble with us: Mumble IP: mumble1.shivtr.com Port: 40769
  2. crazyairborne

    They Fix 1 Bug 10 More Create!

    when you spawn in the debug plains, just abort out and spawn back in, 99% of the time, you dont lose ur gear but do spawn in on the coast. /end thread
  3. crazyairborne

    My Bandit Theme Music....

    holy crap Ive heard the second one in Cherno when doing some pvp, about a week ago. we never found the person playing it, but a friend in a ghillie got taken out in the process. definitely got into our heads a bit. wonder if that was you?
  4. crazyairborne

    I Shouldn't be Alive - The DayZ Edition

    random post is random?
  5. crazyairborne

    Im done, hackers win...

    yesterday me and a friend were instakilled same time. no shots fired. saw cherno getting arty'd or something when trying to get back to our bodies just had hackers fly a few random players on the server, in two choppers, straight to our camp, we killed 2 of them in the process, but got killed, back at camp everything is blown up including knocking down trees, our 3 measly vehicles are destroyed. a week of playtime lost. yay. alpha mod. if anything, the OP and others like myself, might as well take a break for a few days just to let our frustration subside, and maybe the situation will have gotten better.
  6. i would imagine. if i was a hacker, I would look for high population servers with no name tags, and with 3rd person, since most people play it (high pop) and its easier. expert, veteran, none of that shit matters since the servers decide the rules they keep, doesn't matter what its labeled. ive seen expert with 3rd person, same as ive seen veteran with 3rd person. use DayZ commander and you will see what im talking about. so in order to not play with hackers. it would seem, lower population, with 1st person and name tags(puke) would probably be best bet. maybe?
  7. crazyairborne

    The Survivor Running Speed

    glad im not the only one confused by his numbers. crawling faster than running. hmm. seems legit.
  8. error 55 happens to me and my clan all the time, regardless of what we are doing, vehicle or not. its def not just related to vehicles. putting the Battleye files back into the folder has fixed it for us on occassion, but it still pops up almost everyday. no hacking or scripting here.
  9. crazyairborne

    So, is Soldiers Clothing legit or not?

    never seen or heard of either.
  10. crazyairborne

    SSD, DayZ and You...

    hes just trolling mate
  11. crazyairborne

    SSD, DayZ and You...

    ur just jealous. :P shits tight yo
  12. crazyairborne

    How does the gun sounds work?

    I would have to agree. the numbers you get from dayzdb and the wiki are basically aggro ranges for the Zeds. but to the players ears, some guns are actually quite quiet, like the winchester for example.
  13. crazyairborne

    SSD, DayZ and You...

    built my comp in Feb, debated going SSD or not. all hard drive prices were very high at the time. (floods) but i ended up biting the bullet and going with a Crucial M4. its like night and day compared to my old comp. loaded BF3 on it. fricken flys. SSD is the best purchase Ive made for my computer ever i think. love my new rig now :) and SSD prices have come down since I bought mine in Feb. ill be getting another. soon
  14. crazyairborne

    DayZ Stories

    interesting. you should have noticed he was hacking as soon as you killed him the second time and saw all that gear on him, or when he was invisible shooting at you. it took you going back thru the footage for you to realize?
  15. crazyairborne

    taking out a whole squad by myself :D

    at 0:51 you can see them all. i was like hey wait, werent those bad guys?