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About jamiedfwatts@hotmail.co.uk

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    On the Coast
  1. jamiedfwatts@hotmail.co.uk

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    was playing a few hours last night, only ran into a few issues; zombie detection seems a little iffy. I was lying in a field in the middle of nowhere when i got bum rushed by three of them hadn't made a noise and no one seemed to have run them into me. its just seems zombies can see and hear further, at least that is how it seems. also sometimes zombies would just disappear, usually when running, saw that happen about ten times when i was hiding out near a village, the seem to aggro on something then vanish, some would reappear and just run somewhere after about a minute or so i also kept having issues with my gun, I would have ammo in my inventory but I could not reload my weapon, ended up just dropping them for new weapons but it happened 2 or 3 times, don't know if that is a pre-existing bug tho? zombies do seem easier to evade, in fact some would loose interest if I just vaulted over a fence or small wall could look them in the face and they would just wonder off. anyway nothing game breaking from what i saw, an enjoyable patch. thank you :)