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MF Machiavelli

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Everything posted by MF Machiavelli

  1. MF Machiavelli

    I hope you compensate for your small duck..

    lol are you kidding? you kill fresh spawns. god damn your pathetic. any jackass can sit on the coast and kill people with no weapons, you talk as if its a challenge. survive enough firefights to get 100 kills and you got my respect, for now you're just a clown. if i WAS to compare this with EVE people like you aren't even considered pvpers, just unskilled griefers patting their kb. this coming from someone who has 1700 kills. BTW i've never been spawn killed, i just truly think you're pathetic.
  2. MF Machiavelli

    yo wat da dealo?

    your using a hacked version i`m assuming? smart posting it on the dayz forum.
  3. MF Machiavelli

    I hope you compensate for your small duck..

    how can you even compare dayz to eve online? completely different games. Carnage you go by that name in game? pretty sure i just saw u die and respawn a couple times in us 769.
  4. MF Machiavelli

    I hope you compensate for your small duck..

    how is camping the spawn points a playstyle? grow some fucking balls and go kill some survivors that can actually defend themselves. how is killing fresh spawns even entertaining?
  5. MF Machiavelli

    looking for a group.

    sorry i would dude but typically i like to stay with people around my age, good luck though!
  6. MF Machiavelli

    looking for crew

    I've been playing dayz for quite awhile now and have met up with a lot of survivors but none of them really take the game seriously. I'm looking for a small crew/clan that i can roll with and hopefully set up a decent camp and loot the shit out of Chernarus. If you're a bunch of newer players that's cool i can show you the ropes, if you're a couple of experienced players then all the better. In game i usually play by the rule if i'm not seen i won't shoot, unless of course i see you with something shiny and you look threatening. if you see me and take a couple shots then i will go out of my way to hunt you down and rambo the shit out of your ass. :D pm me, post here, or add my steam if you're interested.
  7. MF Machiavelli

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

  8. MF Machiavelli

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    again, are you stupid? i'm listing issues i've had with 1.7.2, i've been playing since 1.6. what do you mean "we"? you have 6 fucking posts? what are you on the dayz team now?
  9. MF Machiavelli

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    what are you stupid? can you not read?
  10. MF Machiavelli

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    i'm not sure what you guys did with this update but in all honesty its absolutely terrible. i've been playing for just over a month and in the last two days i've spent hours gathering supplies then i'm either kicked off, or the sever crashes/restarts and when i come back in i'm on the shore with all my equipment gone. This has happened THREE TIMES in the last two days. i found an FN FAL today and was stacked with equipment and i went afk to get something to eat, when i come back the server had reset itself and of course everything is gone. restarting the client/changing servers does shit all, i just end up back on the shore like i had just spawned in. its also pointless sneaking past zombies now cause they aggro you even with their backs turned and 100+ meters out. this doesn't seem to happen all the time but its bloody annoying. Bags no longer show up after you've dropped them and i even had my alice full of med supplies completely disappear off my back earlier. BREAKING YOUR LEG CLIPPING FENCES AND DOORS IS A HUGE PROBLEM. I also have a rebound issue where i'll be running and all of a sudden i'll be teleported back to where i was 5-10 minutes prior. i know its alpha but 1.7.2 is way to unstable, i'm almost to the point of reinstalling and finding servers that support it...or just stop playing till these issues are resolved. sorry for the bitching but i love dayz and enjoy playing it, its just now wasting hours and hours of my time. EDIT- the one positive thing i will say is i no longer get client lag, the game seems to run smoother despite all these problems.
  11. MF Machiavelli

    Lonewolf looking for crew

    ooh hey man:) you added me on steam, i was wondering who you were. i don't got skype but next time your on steam hit me up.
  12. MF Machiavelli

    Lonewolf looking for crew

    i found guys to roll with i don't need your sarcasm :P
  13. MF Machiavelli

    Lonewolf looking for crew

  14. im typically on anywhere from 3pm to 7am pacific and play on the seattle servers. 24 years old and plenty experienced. hit me up, my steam is mf_machiavelli.
  15. MF Machiavelli

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    wtf you can get banned for picking up hacked weapons? i don't even know all the weapons in the game and i'm constantly finding new ones, what if i stumble onto some hacked weapons and am not even aware of it? seems kind of ridiculous.
  16. MF Machiavelli

    I hate my life

    maybe you're just a shit shot? i was in the apartments in cherno yesterday on the top floor front room and i'm looking at some loot on the ground, when i look up and there someone walking into the room with a m1014. when he sees me hes like 5-10 feet away and just starts unloading this thing in my direction, HE MISSED EVERY SHOT, almost unloaded the whole clip as i was zig zaggin and returning fire with my ak. after realizing how ridiculous this way i brought up my aim and unloaded half a clip in him and he just falls over. guy had a shit ton of ammo, a silenced m9, gps, a tent, wire fencing, and just about everything i didn't. i was amazed i came out of a close combat situation against a semi shotty. crappy shot ftw.