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MF Machiavelli

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Everything posted by MF Machiavelli

  1. MF Machiavelli

    Cross Clan

  2. MF Machiavelli

    This was pretty disrespectful...

    nm man. you shouldn't play with randoms and you wont be betrayed! either way nice pic :lol:
  3. MF Machiavelli

    This was pretty disrespectful...

  4. MF Machiavelli


    YO! MACH here. we are looking for our friend DUSTY who was lost when switching vent channels. dusty man, we miss you.
  5. MF Machiavelli


    YO! MACH here. we are looking for our friend DUSTY who was lost after we switched vent channels. dusty man, we miss you.
  6. MF Machiavelli


    no shit, you think i wouldn't have tried those things? we met him in game. sadly no one added to steam or dayz forums.
  7. MF Machiavelli

    clan CROSS is looking for new players

    yo jay, we are interested. whats your steam?
  8. MF Machiavelli

    clan CROSS is looking for new players

    there are a lot of us and quite a few of our guys are newish
  9. MF Machiavelli


    so i was 5 days in, 300+ zombie kills, several bandit kills, a saw, m4 cco, coyote backpack, full utilities, spent the last 3 hours fixing a car..i go into a fucking gas station.. i go prone.. and it break my legs and insta kills me. FUCK THIS GAME. edit; i'm also aware in my rage i spelled gas station wrong
  10. MF Machiavelli

    Optional PVP

    you know, i think about it more and dayz doesn't even feel like a zombie survival game anymore. i mean the zombies aren't even a threat. you can have 20 on you and lose them in a building/up a hill/even running through dense bushes. take arma, throw in some survival aspects and loot, a few flies buzzing around you... bam! you got dayz. i don't even remember the last time i died by zombies.
  11. MF Machiavelli

    Optional PVP

    meh i welcome it. i enjoy the pvp aspect of the game but i also hate going for days on end, getting the absolute best gear, only to be sniped in the back by some camper 1000m away. in all honesty i'm actually starting to get bored. only fun i have now when i play dayz is when i go player hunting in the big cities or up north.
  12. MF Machiavelli

    Chernarus in Real

    not sure if someone already posted this as i skimmed, but from what i've heard the maps are made directly from satellite images. there was even a thread on this like a month or two ago.
  13. MF Machiavelli

    Do you kill on sight?

    the dayz community has made this game kill or be killed. if you have a weapon you're the enemy.
  14. MF Machiavelli

    Help needed, tried alot already. FPS issue.

    works for me.
  15. MF Machiavelli

    »ѕ†ѕ« ЅАІΝΤЅ -[ DayZ Clan / 18+ / Steam Group ]-

    Steam- mf_machiavelli Dayz name: MACH Age- 24 Location- Vancouver, BC Canada Chat programs- Vent Mumble Ts3 Steam Equipment on hand: well equipped. How long have you played dayz: 2+ months Other info: Know the good loot spots, some crash sites, decent knowledge of map.
  16. MF Machiavelli

    Help needed, tried alot already. FPS issue.

    doesn't matter if you run programs while playing or not, there are always programs running and many of them like i said eat up your ram. download gamebooster 3 and advanced system care 5. game booster has optimization options that lets you run your comp as efficiently as possible while playing games. it also has a boost option that you activate before you open arma/dayz. advanced system care 5 looks at the health of your computer and cleans, fixes any problems, and optimizes it for the best performance possible. it also has a boost option that you activate before opening arma/dayz. i use both these programs while playing and like i said i only get a small amount of client lag even with a 6 year old comp. if these programs don't work you should most deff upgrade your internet connection. i run a 100mbps connection(according to my comp).
  17. MF Machiavelli

    Help needed, tried alot already. FPS issue.

    try cleaning your computer? i run dayz on a 6 year old computer and it runs fine(dual core 2.0ghz, 2g ram, radeon hd 3400 series), although i do experience a small amount of client lag. there are programs out there that optimize your performance by shutting down unnecessary programs eating up your ram. try gamebooster 3 and advanced system care 5. if those don't work i'd try upgrading your internet connection. edit- or try running at lower graphics settings? although you shouldn't have to with those specs. when i put my settings to very high i get about 4-5 fps.
  18. MF Machiavelli

    Running slowly?

    its your computer, i have the same problem. i'll run as fast as them sometimes(very rare) but i notice when my fps drops or my client lags for a second ill lose speed and they'll just keep getting further. people in my group have started calling me fatty <_< and will usually have to stop so i can catch up. funny thing is though i don't have this problem with arma, only dayz. btw its not the connection, i have 100mbsp which is twice as fast as some in my group yet i'm the only one that plays on a 6 year old computer. my specs are intel dual core 2.0ghz, 2 gs ram, radeon hd 3400 series and i run on a xp 64bit.
  19. MF Machiavelli

    Looking for new members.

    add me on steam.
  20. MF Machiavelli

    Bizon SD or AKM?

    bizon does terrible damage, akm does almost triple.
  21. I'm a 24 year old canadian player on the west coast who plays on the seattle servers mostly. i run with the name MACH and have been playing dayz for the last couple weeks but have had a hard time meeting friendlies. well "hard time" as in i've been killed a couple times by players while trying to be friendly and have learned to just shoot on sight now. most people don't respond in direct and when they don't i just kill them to be safe:P either way i need a crew or clan or something to join as i've been getting bored and don't really know what to do next. i have an excellent knowledge of the map, loot spots, and i'm a great shot. currently i'm only 2-3 days in with about 300+ zombie kills and like i said a couple murders. atm i roll with a aks74 kobra, revolver and a winchester i use to kill zombies(1 shot ftw). i'm a rather serious player so i'm not looking for some yuppie high school kids, i'd rather be around people my age that have experience playing arma and similar games(big fan of bf2/arma project reality mod). hit me up here or pm me and hopefully we can meet up. i got a mic, mumble/ts3/ventrilo i use for eve online. also if you're an eve player you can check out my kb under this name, i'm legit.
  22. MF Machiavelli

    Lonewolf looking for crew

    add me on steam dude mf_machiavelli
  23. MF Machiavelli

    Looking for Long term loyal players.

    add me on steam mf_machiavelli. i run with a group atm but getting a little bored as they never really do anything.
  24. MF Machiavelli

    I hope you compensate for your small duck..

    ya 1700 kills in eve online, 60-70% of them solo. thats nothing though i fly with guys who have 5-6k+, i'm just not on as often as them and usually take breaks that last several months. i've been with blue republic for the last 3 years "on and off" and a buddy of mine just became CEO. you doubt me go type this name into google. see for yourself.