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About [email protected]

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  1. ajaywork@hotmail.co.uk


    That sounds like hacking , i don't think the inventory could hold more than 3 maybe 4 guns ? The only experience i had with a hacker was a fun one , followed me for about 20 minutes on a bicycle which left plumes of multicoloured smoke before getting bored and leaving me alone ! Bit frustrating about the car though......
  2. Spacepope - because I am the reptilian space pope from the year 3000. That and I used to watch too much futurama.......probably the latter.
  3. Flaming zombies + fist fights + women's clothing. I can already imagine the hilarity :P Individually items like the ones mentioned would not detract from the overall sense of realism /immersion but combined they could break the mundane jogging sim I have grown used to !
  4. I like the idea of groups of zombies , something similar to the migrating 'herds' of zeds in the Walking Dead would be cool.
  5. If found the Arma 2 tutorial helped me get to grips with the ......unique.... control scheme. Apart from that use youtube guides as mentioned.
  6. Same thing just happened to me in N/E airfield , opened a door but got stuck behind it , breaking my legs.... Im gonna crawl my way to Cherno like a boss.
  7. Met up with two survivors , showed them some cool spots to loot , helped them out a bit and stuck with them for around an hour. Then i brutally murdered them with a hatchet near the N/E airfield. No mercy , no remorse. Bandit bro for life.
  8. Shakespeare has got nothing on you.
  9. On your way to a city , military base etc try checking out barns as they are fairly low risk and often have CZ550's inside.
  10. 1911 purely because there is so much ammo available . Plus its handy being able to one shot zed's when in a tight spot !
  11. Iv had to start avoiding the regular servers as well. Takes the tension out of game a little when i discover people a few hundred metres away by accident , so like the idea of having to ask players names before they appear anywhere.
  12. Completely agree , no challange from them at the minute. Still good fun to agro a bunch and find another unsuspecting player to 'dump' them on , then hind and watch from around a corner.
  13. Finally found a bicycle thanks to this , cheers man.
  14. I agree , they arn't overpowered now that you can lose a group of zeds so easily. Makes it alot easier to gain basic loot after spawn as you can sprint round town, losing a group of them by running through a few buildings.
  15. Sometimes feels like that , especially when zeds start spawning in the local area they seems to gravitate towards the player.