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Gogster (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Gogster (DayZ)

  1. Has any date for a standalone been confirmed and will you buy it and play it as much as you've played dayZ , or is everyone getting bored with our beloved zombie survival game ?

    What an insipid post and title. We don't know, it's been announced, everything else is speculation. Yay or nay what?

    Will I buy a car that isn't even out yet? Maybe yay, maybe nay, maybe I'll bang my head against a wall for a bit.

  2. Sorry you must not grasp that point i just made take a few mins and think about what i said.

    Battleye won't start banning people for using a scripted in item because no one knows that is legit and whats been scripted in. Take a few moments and reread what i said.

    No I read what you said and it has nothing to do with what the OP asked. If you want an answer to your point, it comes down to the server admin to decide what to do with scripted in weapons, often called "illegal" but it's not a good term. The in-game equipment that gets scripted in is, generally, routinely ignored. You'd have to have a very pernickety admin to track down who took what from a spawned ammo box and take action against that player.

  3. What's the betting this thread don't get over 3000 views and 230 odd posts like another "popular" thread around here. :)

    Ok lets give this thread a reason to live. So how many oldies remember this as being your first home "console"? Circa 1976'ish. It was just versions of Pong you could play on your tv. I remember being bored after two days lol... :lol:


    Right here.
