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Gogster (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Gogster (DayZ)

  1. @djzombie

    Are you looking for somewhere to vent or are you looking for advice? If it is the former just piss off and cry into your pillow, to be quite frank I'm sick of reading the few topics you have posted which have all been gripes about hackers. We accept the situation and we do our best to fend them off, it is never going to be 100% cheat free.

    Either get on board or get off.

  2. A real server that is still susceptible to every single undetectable hack for day z, which is most of them sadly.

    We run that shit on our server and we just had some asshole teleport every vehicle to the same location and firebomb them, along with destroying every tent on the server. rendering our server entirely useless for at least 7 days, not to mention all the private camps that just got destroyed as well.

    Just give up. Find something else to do with your time cause this steaming pile isn't worth the effort when all your progress can be undone by some 12 year old script kiddie whos parents never disciplined him.

    All admin actions are post mortem, the sooner you get this into your head the sooner we can stop reading your moans on this forum. If you implement the suggestions above you will have the BEST possibility of keeping your server low on hacker incidents, but it is all about best efforts, nothing is going to make your server completely cheat free. This is true across all multi-player games.

  3. I dont even know when or on witch server I got banned because i didnt play on any other server then my unit servers for a long time. As I said i know the admin is a retard because I didnt cheat and I didnt get ban so long ago mabe 2 or 3 months mabe a long time for you but for average people it aint.

    All this hyperbole is worthless, either appeal the ban or accept it and move on.

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  4. Is it possible to be banned for activity in game? I just had a weird thing happen where I got teleported to another part of the map and found a box with everything i could possibly want, including an AS50 with 15 rounds., range finder etc... Obviously I took it all ;-)

    The admin may locally kick or ban you for having hacked in equipment, but you will not get globally banned nor should you end up on the CBL, unless you are picked up for another infraction.

  5. @Gogster

    so it should've been in createvehicle.txt because the ammo boxes are usually spawned in via "CreateVehicle" ? would make sense.

    does this mean I could add any non-legit weapons in my createvehicle.txt, which would kick a player if one of the weapons i added do match a weapon in his ammobox script?


    I highly doubt my server provider is allowing me to install that. thanks for the hint anyway.

    I believe that is the case. I used to do what you did to prevent the spawning of weapons, but you have to add-in your custom checks into the standard filters when they are updated. In the end I couldn't be bothered and resigned myself to banning them afterwards.

  6. Had to reinstall the server to get back the old scripts.txt, after that the #110 issue was gone.

    Surely you could have replaced the file and restarted the server?

    It's difficult to comment on your scripts file without seeing it, but I believe the problem is that it should have been placed in createvehicle.txt not scripts.txt.

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