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Gogster (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Gogster (DayZ)

  1. Gogster (DayZ)

    Banned on 1073 hosted by hostileattitude

    You'll have to get in touch with the admin - got any friends who can still get on the server? Or do you know the clan who run it?
  2. Gogster (DayZ)

    Banned from US 2830 for Placing Bear Traps

    Never seen a single bear trap - I'm with Excelsior.
  3. Yes they can. They just get the players GUID, add it to their bans.txt file and reload the bans. You are wrong.
  4. Normally this is associated with someone crashing a vehicle.
  5. Gogster (DayZ)

    us 105

    Was taking a sip of beer as I read that, almost spurted over my keyboard! :lol:
  6. Gogster (DayZ)

    As50 tws is it hacked??

    Little bitch players who leech off our good will need to dig deep and rent their own servers.
  7. Gogster (DayZ)


    I understand what you are saying, but you're asking admins to take action, or at the very least DayZ to take action, on two people coming here and saying someone was cheating. Although it can be a pain to set up, this is the very reason why Fraps is invaluable.
  8. Gogster (DayZ)

    Random banned?

    lol - I thought my PC had been hacked searching for where this music was coming from.
  9. People who know me on these forums know that I am highly critical of the rules for server admins. Let me explain my position: I wouldn't anyway, but what exactly are you going to do about it. Unless an admin stupidly writes in the kick/ban message that they have taken that action the chances of proving this are negligible. Very difficult to prove the admin shut down the server as a consequence of being killed, kind of makes this pointless. I refer you to the above. Why not? If someone can't play respectfully, why should I or my other players have to put up with them? Agree to some extent, although to what purpose you think the logs are going to help is beyond me as they are normal text files and could easily be typed by a knowing admin. These rules are, in reality, a set of goals. An idealistic view of how the DayZ team view the running of servers playing DayZ. Anyone who works in business will know that there are important considerations to setting goals: They should be relevant Actionable Achievable The DayZ rules in their current format fail on at least two, if not all three. You have moderators like Legacy attempting to add weight to the server reporting thread by writing "approved" on reporting topics. Yet anyone who browses that forum regularly will notice that many of the topics that are being "approved" are not just about locked servers. It seems anyone with a gripe can now post about an "abusive admin" and expect some sort of "justice." It's a situation that has been, in my opinion, brought forth by the creation of a server reporting forum and the rules discussed earlier. One may ask what the point is in the forum? It is easy to search for locked Arma servers running DayZ, so why do staff need people to come here and post. It's creating friction. Friction from server admins who feel vilified and ignored and players who seek some sort of retribution for some perceived wrong doing. Battle Eye lacks a remote repository function to confirm the veracity of log files, I've said it till I'm blue in the face, but we still have a cheat reporting forum. Anyone can post in this forum and the posts are roundly ignored. Server admins are already checking their log files for cheat scripts, so one begs the question what is the point in this forum? Finally we come to the ban appeals forum, possibly the only forum that holds any value. Although it is full of spam and argument as it is not moderated well. Aside from players who don't realise you guys are not BE posting global bans, it's a central place for players to question why they have been banned from a server. Personally I think anyone who posts in this thread, who isn't the original complainent and the server admin should have their post deleted. So to summarise: The 'Servers' section of the forums is doomed to fail. It will continue to be a huge area for tension and argument because you have unachievable goals and differentiating views. As always there are equal and opposing views, I'd like to hear them, whether you agree or not.
  10. Gogster (DayZ)

    Global ban? I just got the game.. is this a mistake?

    In before close. BattlEye is the right place, no here can help you, sorry.
  11. What? Admins know what's supposed to be in game, it's not that much of a leap to expect players to know what is a legitimate weapon. Me knowy so.
  12. Gogster (DayZ)

    Hacker on FR61! [Video Proof]

    Good stuff, hopefully the admin will ban his ass and contribute it to the CBL.
  13. There's a list of weapons that are supposed to be in DayZ on the Wiki, it's as simple as that.
  14. Gogster (DayZ)

    Under 100K active players

    Oh dear... maybe you should stop now. We've moved onto Arma OA. Yep the hackers is a pain in the bung hole. Generally on a Monday I download the log files, ban a shit load of people through the CBL (just moved there from own bans) delete log files on server, restart, go back to playing Arma OA.
  15. Gogster (DayZ)

    US 68 Instant Death on Join

    Have you tried logging into a different server?
  16. Gogster (DayZ)

    Community Banlist

    118 & 119 are now submitting to and using the CBL.
  17. Gogster (DayZ)

    Ban appeal from community ban list.

    Displays when you log-in, grab it with a screenshot.
  18. Gogster (DayZ)

    Poll: Reason to why you would leave DayZ?

    Other game (Arma OA) for me.
  19. Gogster (DayZ)

    A new level of hack.

    Depends who you give the password too. We play with and against clans we know, yes you cannot be 100% certain there's no hackers in their ranks, but we've known them for some time and confidence is high. Our gaming experience on private servers has been far better than open servers.
  20. I would agree, but I also see this for people already in the game. Admittedly the majority are for people suffering network issues, but I wonder whether any are for those trying to launch a bypass and cheats?
  21. Gogster (DayZ)

    deciphering log coordinates

    He's talking about tents - if you think the admin is abusing it, go somewhere else.
  22. Gogster (DayZ)

    Dr. Nick

    Only BE can global ban. The server admin can issue a server ban.
  23. For BF3? Wow, that's really diligent, because this is the only game I can think of where people can come moaning that they've been banned, nearly every other game to a man the only place you'd be able to moan would be the clans forums and we all know how far that would get you. I don't even know why this forum exists, server bans should go to the clan site, CBL to the CBL group on Google and globals to BE.
  24. I agree, there must be other people coding patches?