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Gogster (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Gogster (DayZ)

  1. Gogster (DayZ)

    killed him with his own gun hhaha,

    This - just made even harder for new players to get trusted. Also, beans for your signature.
  2. You'd need a flashing light to indicate bandits as most of the time the tosspots are miles away looking through the scope of a rifle. They don't have the balls to get close and personal with assault rifles.
  3. Gogster (DayZ)

    killed him with his own gun hhaha,

    What a knob.
  4. Gogster (DayZ)

    [VIDEO] Don't drive in Elektro...

    Another sniper - woot, let me get out my pom pom's and cheers another brave sniper!
  5. Gogster (DayZ)

    Best DayZ series Going

    It's like gaming with the cast of Last of the Summer Wine :lol:
  6. Gogster (DayZ)

    Water Pack

    Tell that to the military - who use them regularly.
  7. Gogster (DayZ)

    Best DayZ series Going

    Sniper rifles = OP.
  8. Gogster (DayZ)

    Global ban 78ad#

    You've won first prize in the annual village idiot competition. Go see BattlEye they and handle global bans.
  9. Gogster (DayZ)


    I want to be a woman.
  10. Gogster (DayZ)

    I feel kinda lucky

    Good first post. Read edge-of-the-seat stuff.
  11. Is your OS installed on a different drive from your game/programs?
  12. Gogster (DayZ)

    The game

  13. Gogster (DayZ)

    LU319 Starry Sobor Weird Graphics Glitches

    Yeah it's a 'feature' :lol: The only GFX glitches I've noticed near Stary are appalling frame rates and some of the tents in the military base are see through - which makes looting/not looting easier.
  14. Gogster (DayZ)

    I killed Patrick

    Good stuff and welcome! :thumbsup:
  15. +1 Although a weapon light works too. In before the snipers +1 it as a target light B)
  16. Gogster (DayZ)


    Well either way - he's sorted and we have some good advice for any who find themselves in the same position.
  17. Gogster (DayZ)

    Just me or really bad luck with the NWAF?

    I find the crashed helicopters are better - when I can find them. The airfields get spawn camped.
  18. Alpha has nothing to do with it and I couldn't give a flying fuck what you do or don't need. You have your opinion and I have mine. I want the facility to ban hackers off the server - to be quite frank the dev team wouldn't really have a clue if I was doing this already, but as someone who abides by the rules we come here and request it via (fairly) reasoned debate. Stop begging for rights? Are you really this obtuse? Server/client RCON has been around long before DayZ ever existed. Why is this game a special case? Fucking tell me, because I'm getting cheesed off with your stupid cunting replies, instead of saying stop whining, it's alpha bla bla fucking bla. What is the special case why DayZ can't have an approved RCON process? Instead of chirruping "dems de rules" like some limp wristed twat robot.
  19. Not really sure what difference restarting the server would make and how do we know you're banned from it? "Fair and square" - not really.
  20. Gogster (DayZ)

    Warning: Sneaky Server Admin?

    Problem solved I think.
  21. Gogster (DayZ)

    Warning: Sneaky Server Admin?

    What you have described is more a bug in the game. Did you join another server after that and everything was fine?
  22. Really? Because all you've said is exactly the same thing in this post. So either come up with something new, provide a winning argument for your case? Or in reality tell me you're a server admin paying for a server and still do not want the power to deal with these problems? Without any of that you're just a contrary idiot.