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Gogster (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Gogster (DayZ)

  1. Gogster (DayZ)

    Cheat/No cheat?

    Ok, just didn't want to put the players details in, here's the relevant lines: 04.08.2012 20:39:31: <player name> (<player IP>) <player GUID> - #39 sleep 0.1; player setVehicleInit " if (isServer) then { _object = createVehicle ['UH1H_DZ', [5907.74 04.08.2012 20:39:31: <player name>(<player IP>) <player GUID> - #46 leep 0.1; processInitCommands; sleep 0.1; clearVehicleInit player; 04.08.2012 20:39:31: <player name> (<player IP>) <player GUID> - #58 le ['OwnerID', 0, true]; }"; sleep 0.1; processInitCommands; sleep 0.1; clearVehicleInit player; I've removed the players details again.
  2. Gogster (DayZ)

    Cheat/No cheat?

    Anyone know?
  3. Gogster (DayZ)

    Just rented a server, need guidance trough Rcon

    I've heard some people are hijacking threads too.
  4. Gogster (DayZ)

    Cheat/No cheat?

    It's from the server logs - I've truncated it and removed the player information. It's the only entry with "createVehicle" - which I got from the BEC website.
  5. Hi guys, I'm going through my server logs - long overdue! I'm picking up a few cheats and am about to add them to the bans list, is there a shareable list anywhere? If not it is something I'd be keen to start for server admins. Or do we just post the name, GUID and server log entry here?
  6. Gogster (DayZ)

    US 755 shutting down end of month

    Best of luck to you.
  7. Gogster (DayZ)

    US 715 Admin abuse.

    Without video proof this is all insubstantial accusations. Should be locked.
  8. Gogster (DayZ)

    What happens when a server restarts

    How do you know it was the server admin shooting at you?
  9. Gogster (DayZ)

    how dare you lock my patch post

    I feel the fate of this one may be the same.
  10. Gogster (DayZ)

    F*** IT! I'm moving to cherno!

    Oi Marvin, go peddle your misery elsewhere >:(
  11. Gogster (DayZ)

    Different Map

    New content is always good, I'd prefer it to be an extension of Chenarus but I doubt that's possible.
  12. Gogster (DayZ)

    Bandit Posing As Hapless Tween

    Surely approaching more cautiously and asking him to put weapons away is a sensible thing to do?
  13. Gogster (DayZ)

    Spawn killing in DayZ

    Log-out near to the NW airfield - you take your chance when you re-spawn.
  14. This. Also get used to Fraps and start recording when anything interesting happens. I start whenever I go into battle, get a vehicle, spot a player etc... Then you'll always have a video of it if anything should be called into question.
  15. Gogster (DayZ)

    What happens when a server restarts

    Can I just add to this thread - not all restarts are server admins being jerks. We restart the server when enough people start bleating about it running slow, GFX glitches etc... we don't check to see where everyone is before hand. May have just been coincidence.
  16. Gogster (DayZ)

    People who complain about DayZ. STOP.

    I was just about to write the same thing - beans for you.
  17. Gogster (DayZ)

    Side chat solves banditry

  18. Gogster (DayZ)

    Dead after 20 days

    20 days - that's a good innings, congrats.
  19. Gogster (DayZ)


    A day of action... Need more notice for day of action....
  20. Gogster (DayZ)

    Nice Find

    Good find! If you have L85A2 you SURELY don't need the NVG as well - come on - hand them over ;)
  21. I love the fact that everyone is telling him his opinion is wrong. What a conceited bunch we are. OP you make some valid points and if the game doesn't deliver any more then quite rightly go and have some fun on something else. Hell I was utterly sick of Fallen Earth, but I jump on now and again recently and it's all fun again. Best of luck.
  22. Gogster (DayZ)

    CSI NW Airfield (UK182)

    Had a quick scoot around the NW airfield this morning - my quest for night vision goggles continues without success. Managed to check the NE barracks, fire station, ATC and the hangars - not a sausage. The hangars are particularly problematic. I hate crawling in front of them as it makes you such an easy target for any snipers across the way, a fast crouch walk or sometimes even a slow crouch walk seems to pull zombies out the front. This happened and the buggers were still running inside the hanger, one swift zombie haymaker and my leg was broken. Luckily I had morphine to remedy the situation. Worked my way round the the SW barracks and come across 4 dead players. At first I thought one was alive as he'd died standing up, looking down the corridor - there was a zombie on the other side of the wall which I think must have taken him out through it. There was a body in the first room on the left, one in the second and one in the fourth. None of them had anything special, AKM's and an Enfield, bit of drink and food - they looked like relatively new spawns. So if the guy stood up had dispatched the 3 in the rooms, why would he stay by the window/wall, there was blood, food and epi-pens in the barracks... Given the kit the guys had, they looked liked relatively new spawns - I guess people must spawn on the beach and make their way up through towns, picking up supplies and weapons as they go to get to the airfield for the juicy stuff. My quest for night vision goggles continues...
  23. Gogster (DayZ)

    CSI NW Airfield (UK182)

    I've already started to come round to your way of thinking. All the time I'm crawling I'm thinking "what a lovely slow target I make!"
  24. Gogster (DayZ)

    People who complain about DayZ. STOP.

    I don't understand the point in yet another topic on asking people to stop moaning about the mod. Firstly, some people moan and some people state their case about bugs in the game or the way the game plays - it doesn't make either version more or less valid. People are people and will communicate things in different ways. Secondly it is a buggy mod. Sometimes it is the first time people have encountered a specific problem and they come here to discuss it - it's good that they do that so bugs and be picked up on. The majority of the time it will be the nth time that the bug has been mentioned - once in a blue moon it'll be a new one. They're all valid and all worthy of discussion. People may be tired of hearing about them, but for the person who encounters it, it could be the first time or they lost a particularly good bit of kit/died etc...