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Gogster (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Gogster (DayZ)

  1. Gogster (DayZ)

    Add HDR Low or Very Low

    High Definition Range? What for?
  2. Gogster (DayZ)

    UK127 "Trent" hacker

    Best to contact the server admin, hopefully they'll pick this up from the server ID (if they use these forums!)
  3. Gogster (DayZ)

    Global Ban

    Could be a while, there's been a raft of bans recently.
  4. Gogster (DayZ)

    Cheat Finder (script parser for admins)

    Also "bInvisibleOn", from the same post.
  5. Gogster (DayZ)

    Cheat Finder (script parser for admins)

    Given this post: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/67350-us-1919-banlist-updated-8102012/ I suggest people add "setposat1" to their scripts.db.
  6. Gogster (DayZ)

    Cheat Finder (script parser for admins)

    Actually I lie, it's a ListView, but even after I'd done that I wish I'd used a GridView instead.
  7. Gogster (DayZ)

    Cheat Finder (script parser for admins)

    I have a TreeView with checkboxes working if you want the form code? I'm only testing one string at the moment, but this is easily extended.
  8. Gogster (DayZ)

    sub-forum: Servers

    For the forum admins: Any chance of having a sub-forum for server threads, so people can communicate directly with each other/server admins about that server? People are creating them in here but they get lost amongst the other posts.
  9. Gogster (DayZ)

    Is this a script?

    It is a script - it's not a hacking script. I suggest using the CheatFinder app, which is in the server admins forum.
  10. Gogster (DayZ)

    Cheat Finder (script parser for admins)

    Ooh another, just reminded me as I'm using it now :), any chance of putting the name of the log file in a string at the top when you click begin or log? I do several log files from different server and that would be really useful as a reminder when I compiling my ban list.
  11. Gogster (DayZ)

    Military offroad

    I would love to find that, but will it will be lost within hours to hackers using the location hack, so no point.
  12. Gogster (DayZ)

    Huge lag after playing for 3-5 hours

    Does your system get particularly hot? Normally I'd expect to see graphical artefacts for this problem, but you never know. Install some desktop gadgets or other monitoring tools and keep an eye on it. Have you got much RAM? How are you hard disks for space?
  13. Gogster (DayZ)

    There are hackers in this game?! What!?

    Damn, I thought you were wide eyed and innocent.
  14. Gogster (DayZ)

    Pogo Sticks

    You didn't did you?
  15. Gogster (DayZ)

    U.F.O crash sites

    My name is Gogster and I do not approve of this post.
  16. Gogster (DayZ)

    About a server.

    If they are hacking and you have evidence just ban them through the bans.txt file. It sounds like your RCON program is at fault here.
  17. Gogster (DayZ)

    About a server.

    I think he's referring (badly) to the server admin rules. To the OP, review the server admin rules in these forums and make sure they are for you. I can only recommend GamingDeluxe (http://www.gamingdeluxe.co.uk) as they have been really good to us.
  18. Gogster (DayZ)

    Cheat Finder (script parser for admins)

    My requests would be (if you're going to keep the code secret ;)): Double click the number to see the relevant line in a pop-up. Include check-boxes alongside each of the detected lines so they can be selected A button to gather up all the selected items and put them into a format where they can be copied into the bans file I'm a C# person but if I can help I will. I'm glad you're not going to abandon it. I started writing one yesterday when I thought you weren't coming back!
  19. Gogster (DayZ)

    Spread The Word: Surrender Key

    This is a good tip if it saves just one person from being shot, beans for you.
  20. Gogster (DayZ)

    DayZ Random Dancing?

    Yeah sure, good scripting.
  21. Gogster (DayZ)

    Sleeping Bags

    It's a balance between realism and actual playability. Forcing people to sit there whilst their in game character gets some z's is tedious. If you expanded the idea that a sleeping bag could be conducive to a 'good nights sleep' when you log out, maybe restoring some blood points, alertness etc...
  22. Gogster (DayZ)

    Camp fire perk

    Straight out of WoW. Not really sure I like it, sorry.
  23. Gogster (DayZ)

    Bleeding on first hit

    I bleed on first hit sometimes too. You are not along in this world.
  24. Glad I could help - I guess the manual installation of BE can be complicated, hence why they stuck the option in the Steam menu.
  25. Gogster (DayZ)

    Remove shock

    I missed that, but you're right no one gets prolonged shock for not being in combat - although didn't someone say a while back that the timer doesn't countdown if you log-out?