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Gogster (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Gogster (DayZ)

  1. Gogster (DayZ)

    Hacking is getting out of hand.

    Is it somebody's job to post this fucking topic title every day?
  2. Gogster (DayZ)

    My bro got me banned [BAN APPEAL]

    *searches ban excuse list* Little brother #7 check!
  3. Gogster (DayZ)

    How much more BROKE can this mod get?

    Ooh a lot more, hang around :thumbsup:
  4. Sorry superb posting person with very interesting topics. I didn't realise you were posting something fucking interesting, excuse me whilst I cover myself in pilchard oil and return to the OP to engorge myself on every delicious morsel that you've written. Fuck me it's delicious, I can't get enough. I hope you find a Jeep real soon, that you fail to fix due to some bug or other so you can return and write another lengthy diatribe about how your life is shit and we're all trolls.
  5. Gogster (DayZ)

    Check out this d-bag scammer on steam

    You've missed out on beta due to your overly suspicious mind - HOW DO YOU FEEL???
  6. I don't care. If it were World of Choppers maybe I would, but it isn't. The whole thing is bugged, it's unlikely to get fixed. I still don't care.
  7. Gogster (DayZ)

    The unrealistic request forum.

    Average, Joe.
  8. Gogster (DayZ)

    This should make you laugh... longest apology ever.

    Negligent discharge :lol:
  9. Gogster (DayZ)

    [Video] Triple group fight in Stary

    Oh look another Extremely Rare L85A2 AWS + Extremely Rare AS50 :rolleyes:
  10. First video good, second video pointless murder.
  11. Gogster (DayZ)

    [VIDEO] AK-74 One Shot!

    Not even banditry, KOS, what a tosspot.
  12. Gogster (DayZ)

    Road to becoming a Hero

    What a douche bag.
  13. Gogster (DayZ)

    USBasicWeaponsBox, ban ?

    Your second post - no. Come over to DayZ AdminZ we have lots of help for this stuff.
  14. Gogster (DayZ)

    1 vs Squad of 3 - Intense Battle Over Helicopter

    L85 AWS + AS50 + NVG + GPS + Ghillie Honest John shop is operating on your server I see.
  15. Gogster (DayZ)

    I am William Wallace - DayZ - Braveheart scene

    I banned a guy called William Wallace the other day - wasn't you was it?
  16. Gogster (DayZ)

    Unexpected Betrayal

    Old shit is old. It was sucky by the way, zero kit of any use - no point in killing you, typical knob head banditry.
  17. Gogster (DayZ)

    Fucking Humanity...

    Wah wah wah It means he has to work at it to make the skin change, he can't just flip a coin and redeem his past misdemeanour's. Excuse me if I don't shed a tear or play the worlds smallest fucking violin.
  18. I hate the bandits with sniper rifles, bandits with assault rifles are relatively easy to counter. In that respect, I have no respect for them. As I've said numerous times, they sit 1000+ yards away, behind the relative safety of a scope, as soon as you get up close and personal to them, they shit themselves.
  19. This story makes me sad.
  20. Can you go through Steam and verify game files? Accessed through the Steam launch for normal Arma.
  21. Gogster (DayZ)

    Don't tell me to "Chill"

    I never KOS.
  22. Gogster (DayZ)

