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Gogster (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Gogster (DayZ)

  1. Gogster (DayZ)

    Factory Massacre

    Sniping noobs, dick.
  2. Gogster (DayZ)

    Decent Servers

  3. Yeah, it's impossibru! http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/850-dayz-memes/page__st__640#entry759135
  4. Right, how do you get the picture to appear from Meme Generator? I tried it over in the meme forum and gave up in the end. I need a guide that would teach thick Jim from Thicksville, USA, how to do it!
  5. I'm surprised you found a gun in NWAF. Tin cans and frigging flares are all I seem to get there.
  6. Ah the dude that sounds like Fred Durst... Yeah fuck it, sounds like a hoot.
  7. Gogster (DayZ)

    Sniper LFG

    The only good sniper is a dead sniper.
  8. Pointless Stupid Time.
  9. Gogster (DayZ)

    Riding an invisible bike...

    Eventually you'll fall into the sea surely?
  10. Teh internets just hate you, get over it.
  11. Rhino Crunch, the dude from the WarZ video?
  12. Gogster (DayZ)

    DayZ is un playable

    I intend to drink myself into a coma - who's with me?
  13. Gogster (DayZ)

    DayZ Memes

    Can't link images GIVE UP! http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/25486322.jpg
  14. Gogster (DayZ)

    That's it!

  15. Gogster (DayZ)

    Wow. I can't believe this shit.

    On my server he'd be banned.
  16. Just go and play somewhere else FFS.
  17. Gogster (DayZ)

    The man for your needs. (Edited)

    Do you fix cars? My car could do with fixing.
  18. Gogster (DayZ)

    So meanwhile at the airfield

    :lol: :thumbsup: :beans:
  19. Average Player Killing Montage 3. FTFY.