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Gogster (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Gogster (DayZ)

  1. Gogster (DayZ)


    Hi everybody :)
  2. The server reporting is a pain in the fits for sure, but what goes on Publicly and privately are two different things. Furthermore, the remote repository and MBL is one of the better features of PB, often vastly more effective than global bans. In many ways the CBL isn't much different.
  3. Hmmm You're talking apples and oranges, it's just not on the same level.
  4. Gogster (DayZ)

    own dedicated server

    Nothing to stop you hosting your own private hive and server.
  5. Gogster (DayZ)

    Global BAN needed

    Firstly those entries are normal, generally from a helo crash. Secondly you can't access server control in game, it's locked to keep the cheaters off.
  6. Wah wah fucking wah I never said my servers are run like that. The scale of admins locking servers and collecting kit is insignificant compared to the amount of hackers that plague the servers everyday. Yet everyday twats come to moan about a locked server, when you could just poke off elsewhere. If an admin has scooped some kit then jumps or opens their server they'll face everyone who has duped or scripted in all the top level gear. Its hardly a great advantage. But please, keep bleating about it, keep the attention from the hackers.
  7. Gogster (DayZ)

    I found it!!!!!!!!

    I always thought they just disappeared? That annoys me as I've lost a few rifles life this.
  8. Gogster (DayZ)

    ITT in this thread we admit that

    There is one that spawns there.
  9. Gogster (DayZ)

    Duping in stand alone

    I think they're locking and removing them because NOBODY KNOWS WHAT IS GOING TO BE IN THE STANDALONE - FFS!
  10. Gogster (DayZ)

    gittery first person view??

    Monster! There's a new word!!!!!
  11. A perfectly plausible answer, thank you. I just assumed people would have WiFi/3G, but you're right, my little Nexus 7 is as dumb as a fence post if I take it out of the house.
  12. Gogster (DayZ)

    US 2313: Roy admin abuse kicks player off

    I swear there's no more words left to invent. :)
  13. Gogster (DayZ)

    Shit DayZ Players Say

    Genius, beans and a vote for you!
  14. What's wrong with a mobile site? My phone has a perfectly capable browser.
  15. Gogster (DayZ)

    US 2313: Roy admin abuse kicks player off

    Wrong forum chumpalicious.
  16. Gogster (DayZ)

    DarkRaven123 Reply about hackers.

    Hmmm maybe lock your server for a couple of days...
  17. Gogster (DayZ)

    UK210 FaZe Kross hacking.

    Let the server admin deal with. Otherwise he'll come here bleating about being unfairly banned.
  18. You're talking about a remote repository system, which BE doesn't feature.
  19. I wouldn't call the community ban list silly. Why do you think organisations like PunksBusted and PBBans are so popular? If Arma had gone with PB I bet they'd gladly stream DayZ servers, but sadly they didn't - that's why there's a community ban list.
  20. Gogster (DayZ)

    UK210 FaZe Kross hacking.

    I banned one of their clan members the other day, guess they're all a bit 'suspect.'
  21. Gogster (DayZ)

    Help reading the creatvehicle.log

    The two cheats that appear regularly in that file are: USBasicWeaponsBox AmmoBoxBig You can add these as a kick to the createvehicle.txt if you want: 5 !"USBasicWeaponsBox"
  22. Gogster (DayZ)

    ban on us 1563 why?

  23. Or even the search here... that would have been something.