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Aerodith (DayZ)

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About Aerodith (DayZ)

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  1. Aerodith (DayZ)

    Death by Dehydration

  2. Aerodith (DayZ)

    There needs to be more bikes

    Agree on this 100%
  3. Aerodith (DayZ)

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    Wrong wrong wrong Id say 1-2. Cherno/elktro 3. Stary sobor 4. NW airfield
  4. Aerodith (DayZ)

    Need help catching hackers

    Had a guy on our server 45minutes ago that was invis probably teleported to our URAL I was standing in a pinetree 5meters away from the Ural and heards footsteps in the grass so I ran around the car asking in voice who it was since I couldnt see him and it could have been one of my mates then I heard him repairing the car (it was already fully repaired) then someone jumped in the drivers seat and started the engine so I started firing with my pistol since I only had a .50cal as primary. the guy jumps out I hear the cardoor slams shut, 4sek later I hear a shot and see the smoke from the gun like 1 meter infront of me but no player there, BUT he missed so probably a hacking noob repairing when he didnt have to and missed his shot from 1 meter so I run in a pinetree aborts and shutdown the server...
  5. Aerodith (DayZ)

    4 hackers on our server in 3 days...

    Whats worse is that serveradmins cant see names on the ppl doing this if they dont happed to kill "it". We are having big trouble on our server with invis hackers teleporting to vehicles and drive away with them.
  6. Not a hacked gun tahts the sound of a .50cal sniper
  7. Yes vehicles disapear when you use mission restart but they will reappear again where they were when theres a proper server restart same with tents
  8. Aerodith (DayZ)

    SE 19 Nuked by hacker

    Just recently 19:55 SE 19 got nuked and EVERYONE on the server died look in to this matter
  9. Aerodith (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    We just lost 7 Mags of Stanag SD and a Ghillie suit stored in a backpack inside one of our tent.. nothing else was taken så the mags and ghilli just disapeared..
  10. SE 19 is hosted through Swedishhost.se just send them a message and ask
  11. Aerodith (DayZ)

    Mod Please Read. (Locked Servers)

    Hopefully they will do something about these servers ASAP been playing on SE7 b4 it got 24/7 locked had a camp with gear but now unreachable. usually 0-7ppl online on SE7 primetime so probably a clan/community trying to freefarm