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Everything posted by gafa

  1. gafa

    Server Owners get nothing????

    I don't even...I think most of the people posting in this thread are missing the big picture here, I just read the full 5 pages and am awed at the assumptions made by some of the posters, especially the pro-private. This debate is quite simple, imho, because it's summed up by this: - DayZ in its inception was a mod. You didn't pay for it. You supported BI, and many people paid for hosting servers, because they love the concept. Later on, private hives emerged, mainly due to the unrefrained and unstoppable hackers due to client based engine. I played in the former, and the latter. Yes I played in several private hives and had a lot of fun. There's that. And the fact that most modders worked and communicated (and still do) actively with Dean to improve the standalone. - DayZ Standalone is NOT a mod. This isn't up for grabs or for changes as the server owners or their communities see fit. Either you like it or not, it's Dean's and BI's call to do whatever they want and envision with this game, that you willingly paid for even through the obvious pre alpha warnings. Personally I think that complaining or ask for ways to modify this game is close to asking DICE if mods are supported in BF4. Which, obviously, they replied with a NO. Is it just me or this is a bit absurd to begin with? I think this thread is moot because it's not even being considered "opening up" a retail (when it's done) game to modding by the community, due to it obviously disregarding and going "against" the original vision of the creator. If you want control over your servers, you have it on the mod, it's all good! Just my two cents, G P.S. I'm loving the experience in DayZ SA so far. Seriously, back to old school :D
  2. I've played quite a bit on this server, and although I praise the admins work, which is for the best and helps a lot with hackers, I'd like to leave my feedback along with the reasons I'm leaving the server: - Side channel chat: I know you can turn off VON, but that'll turn off the direct chat as well and that is crucial to gameplay. The chats going on are completely disruptive to the gameplay. Guys screaming, cursing, asking for directions and help in game, I've been more than once in tense situations looking for a player, hearing for footsteps and other audio cues, and there's some guy screaming on side channel. This absolutely sucks and ruins it. The admins do stand up and tell them to shut up (and eventually ban if they ignore the advice), but it's still disruptive nonetheless. - Nameplates: well this one I knew when coming in, but after playing for a week I can't cope with. Pointing my crosshair at a bunch of bushes and getting a "??? (Survivor) - x meters" takes all the stealth out of the game, and the point in having a rangefinder or sizing up the distance using the milidot scopes. - The loot tables must be changed, I've found 5 heli crash sites during the week and ... they all had FN FALs. Only FN FALs. 3 per crash site. I might be extremely unlucky, but I've never had this happen in 3 months of playing in public hives. - Admins awarding AS50 TWS for the events. IMHO, the L85AWS is the most unbalanced/game changing legit weapon, and you throw the thermal as50 into gameplay? I'm not even grieving, I only died a couple of times and had my share of kills and looting around and having fun with the vehicles (which are awesome) and a couple of friends playing with me. I wish the admins and the rest of players the best, Greets, G
  3. gafa

    Players 30+ years old

    No worries, I found the TS server in the shoutbox :) Hunterkilla, I did register on the site, but still waiting for admin approval. Cheers and thanks for the replies, G
  4. gafa

    Players 30+ years old

    Hello guys, I was browsing through the thread and didn't find the TS or DayZ server info, do you usually share it by pm? Been playing alone for the last couple of weeks and am missing the group experience :) Cheers, G
  5. gafa

    Players 30+ years old

    Hello, 32 year old from Portugal here, interested in joining you guys, sounds like a great group! Reasonably experienced (been playing since June), have TS and mumble. Cheers, G
  6. gafa

    Need Help

    Hey I'm close to you, may be able to help. Just sent request on skype. Greets, G
  7. Best part: 1h05m50s, a hacker crashes a heli on their player. Priceless!
  8. gafa

    Trading AS50 for SVD Camo/Ghille por favor..?

    Are you portuguese?
  9. I find this thread quite amusing actually. Being around for some months now, I remember very clearly the complete chaos that these forums were in when the bandit skins (the full ones) were removed and before being re-added. "omg this is PVP fanfest" "KOS, KOS everywhere!" "Please bring bandit skins back, it's the only way to make it fair!" and so on and so forth. Now, you have bandit skins, and from my personal experience it has lowered the KOS mentality, so for me it's a win, even though the system -is- flawed and should get reworked for the standalone. Cheers, G
  10. gafa

    AS50 or DMR for single weapon loadout?

    I agree that the 2 weapon loadout is mostly for pvp. If you are weapon hunting, you should be fine with using just a main weapon (from those two, I'd choose the DMR for the versatility and fire rate). I use this setup while playing solo (daytime), using a coyote backpack: SVD Camo - 4 mags M4a1 CCO SD - 4 mags M9SD - 4 mags 4 Bandages 4 cooked meat 2 water bottles 2 blood bags 2 morphine injectors 2 painkillers 1 epi-pen 1 antibiotics Leaving me with 4 empty slots, which is perfectly fine since I don't really need to pick up anything aside from raw meat to cook. When grouping, I usually am spotting so I swap the m4 for the L85AWS2. Greets, G
  11. gafa

    If you could have any gear setup in DayZ, what would it be?

    I'd have to say that it depends on what I'm up for. When I wanna hunt bandit snipers: SVD Camo L85AWS2 Ghillie When I wanna help survivors: Hero skin M249 M4 CCO SD Medical supplies Greets. G
  12. gafa

    Traders and Traitors

    +1 KGCxKING - traded a AS50 for a SVD Camo, trade went smooth, would definitely trade again. Greets, G
  13. gafa

    LF ghillie and other stufff

    Thanks for the trade man, gonna leave some positive feedback on the thread! Cheers, G
  14. gafa

    Need Anti Biotics badly :(

    Hey, I think just re logging cures illness. Otherwise wait it out, the blood will stop dropping at 6k and I think you get ok after that. Greets, G
  15. gafa

    SVD Camo - Worth it?

    Hey man, I'll give you an AS50 (or a DMR, if you prefer) with a couple mags for that SVD, lost mine due to the "spawn-at-beach-with-no-gear-whatsoever-but-keeping-debug-stats-and-ghillie" glitch :( Greets, G
  16. gafa

    Trading SVD Camo + 5 mags

    What do you need? Can get you an as50 if you need one.
  17. gafa

    Trading SVD Camo + 5 mags

    Hey, got an extra L85 available (3 stanag SD mags with it), wouldn't mind trading for the svd. Add me on steam: g4f4.
  18. Hey man, thanks for the trade, just posted the positive feedback on the thread. If you need something else let me know. Greets, G
  19. gafa

    Traders and Traitors

    Hello, +1 to oshnatour1, we met at the server of his choice, tent set up at open field, went smooth. Would trade again with him, no worries. Greets, G
  20. gafa

    Looking to trade for a sniper..

    What do you prefer, m107 or AS50? Got both, what I need/want is a SVD camo with mags.
  21. Hi I can get you guys a L85 and a ghillie. Wont mind taking the SVD ammo (I suppose you don't have one, do you ;) ) and the rangefinder for it. Add me on steam: g4f4. Greets, G
  22. gafa

    Portugal Players

    +1 PT, ingame gafa, steam g4f4. Ando por vários servers, pode-se combinar umas sessões "nacionais".
  23. Hey guys, I'm tired of scouting barracks trying to find a SVD, so if you have one (with around 5 mags), I'm willing to offer some of the stuff I've been piling up while looking for it: - NVG - Ghillie suit - AS50 If you need something else I probably can get it as well, except rangefinder. Name your reasonable price, and thanks for any replies :) G
  24. gafa

    [LF] NVG's

    Hey, if the prior trade doesn't work out, last night found an additional NVG at a heli crash site, would be willing to trade it for a SVD camo with ammo. I'll even throw in a AS50 if you need one.
  25. gafa

    Pending Update: Build

    I'd like to address a situation, based on my personal experience with DayZ (which may or may not be connected with most people, so take it with a grain of salt). So people are complaining about something that's no even getting implemented right now (Bans and such), since the ONLY thing Rocket said was that they're gonna start logging the data with the new patch. And many of the complaints are related to real life issues (have to feed my baby, etc etc ad nauseum), and the exhaustingly repetitive "I usually log in to X number of servers to check performance/day/night/crosshair/etc, and I need to do this everyday". So let me tell you, that sounds like a really boring way to get in game, and, it kinda (IMHO) takes away from the experience. You should find servers in which you like to play, and stick to them, for several reasons: 1) Building of a community in server, allows for cool RP'ing. For example, I'm currently trying to assemble a squad to patrol Cherno and Elektro outskirts and kill all noob-snipers there until they give up on the activity. And this is to be done in my main server. 2) I always know how the game will behave. My main server is Veteran, No crosshair, 3rd person ON, no kill messages, and it is -8h on my local time, so I always know it's daytime when I play in my evenings. 3) Vehicles and tents are server-bound. 4) My main server occasionally crashes/not updated/whatever, so I have a small list (3 servers) aside from my main in which I know I can play if needed. So my point being, instead of a desperate chase everyday for "a server", why not check one you like and stick to it? Thus all the "omg I'm getting banned (which you're not, since the update will only log data) for server hopping to get the best experience" seems quite pointless to me. Unless (and I'm pretty sure there are those cases as well), that the complainer is just trying to find a "workaround" to keep using alt+f4/log on/log off for whatever "cheating" purpose they like. Greets, G