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Sorrow (DayZ)

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About Sorrow (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. Sorrow (DayZ)

    Start without any backpack.

    Agree with starting with no backpack. Seriously, there are some useless backpacks around the world with even less space than the patrol pack while ALICE is so common... I also think that there should be backpacks with more space than the coyote, obviously rarer.
  2. Sorrow (DayZ)

    Punishing bandits? Shut up, seriously.

    That's not the banditry itself the problem. The problem is fags who kills newly spawned guys on the coastline. This isn't my problem because I know sniping locations in Cherno and Elektro and I know how to hide from them, but for a freshly spawned guy who has never played before, would feel the game like a mindless deathmatch, not worth to play. Another crucial point is the KOS mechanic in the game. It is wrong, because it doesn't fits either real life or a game. In real life, you wouldn't kill someone so easily and, of course, if you want to make DayZ more than a big deathmatch, you should stop this phenomenon. People should have a chance to check if they are friendly or not. Today there is no convenience to check, killing on sight is easier, safer and profitable.
  3. Sorrow (DayZ)


    Who cares. Making gear in DayZ is so easy. Go in Stary and loot it all. If you get a good weapon, nice. If you don't, nice too. If you get killed, who cares? Go in Cherno and gear up again.
  4. Sorrow (DayZ)

    Dead players becoming zombies?

    It looks good. When you kill a survivor, instead of disappearing, the corpse after 5 minutes would become a zombie and start wandering around looking for brains like other zombies but with survivor skin and, of course, survivor loot. Hunting it down will give you access to the dead player's inventory and disappear like any other zombie corpse. Obviously they won't wander forever but they'll follow the natural zombie despawn routine. This would be interesting and will make the game much more hardcore, making difficult to reloot player's corpse after his death.
  5. Sorrow (DayZ)

    More Zombies But Make Them Slower

    Good idea, so zombies walking in buildings are not a bug anymore! lol Of course the limited speed of zombies should be balanced with: Higher number: slow zombies in low number aren't a threat. If they are more, if you go in a building to loot it while a zombie saw you, you are pretty much dead, unless you have a lot of ammo. Bulletproof: slow zombies are no more infected, so dead zombies are so fucking resistant to bullets. Maybe 8 Makarov bullets to the body to kill one zombie. 1 shot to the head to kill them. More damage: since slow zombie are easy to evade while in open space, they should be able to make more damage while they got you and, maybe, have more chances to break your leg as it was before 1.7.2.
  6. I've seen better shots. 3 kills at 400m isn't that much, especially if the dudes you killed were freshly spawned with nothing to loot. Just another pointless DayZ sniping video.