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About SleepyRhino

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. SleepyRhino

    LU143 Admin abuse

    It was on Thursday around 9pm UK Time not got a exact thou :(
  2. Even if those number are on the low side having that many people farming in organized teams with heli/cars is still a large amount of items flooding into game. That's something we don't have to worry about thou at the moment cause the game is flooded with high end stuff anyway haha
  3. @TCEd & @Jimmy James I agree totally at the moment having password to farm items is not needed due to the amount of duped/hacked in items, I was talking of once the majority* of hack/scripts have been combated then password on servers are not needed and will cause more problems than they fix. *There will always be some just not the random roulette of joining a server and being teleported and raped by hacker.
  4. If admin could lock server at any time yes most would be fine but the small majority could ruin the game by locking there server and farming the crap out of everything with no risk. If the items couldn't be transferred to other servers then yes passwords would be fine but not if you can farm on locked server with no risk then join an unlocked one with your shiny new gear.
  5. SleepyRhino

    LU143 Admin abuse

    Weird I found this thread due to this was the server I have been playing on for the last week or two and nothing dodgy has happened until last night. A group of 5 of us were playing there last night, I got one shot sniped and killed along with one other member of the team (second kill was a few mins after me) in hangers at airfield (this doesn't bother me I was fair game), the group I was with found the sniper shortly after the second kill and landed two shot with M24 then a couple of seconds later the server reset. My friend who was killed after me joined the server again after restart and he has all his gear and was back to the location he was just after I died. So if my friend got all his gear back I can assume the sniper got all his back aswell. So Nathanator does the server reset on a regular basis? if so when due to it could be coincidence that this happened but seemed very dodgy at the time.
  6. SleepyRhino

    Sick of BANDITS

    I said I wouldn't murder people for their gear but I succumbed last night when playing with friends that were on a fresh start. Came across two people near the bolata airfield so I popped them so friends could equip themselves, it was surprising easy but felt a little guilty.
  7. Hey All, I am new to Day Z (Played for a few days) however got a lot of experience in games that require teamwork. Name: Chris Age:26 Skype Name: crewys