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Everything posted by Ribano

  1. Ribano

    Tracer Rounds

    Just a quick idea, one for after the alf f4 issues have been fixed. when working in a team i think it would be good to have tracer rounds brought it so people can identify where the enemy is. obviously it would ave upsides and downsides, showing where the fire is coming from.
  2. I think the points you've made are correct in that bandits will indeed have more opportunity to kill, but it will infact be the people who focus on the all round aspect of the game that will evetually end up on top yes people who sit in cherno will inevitably get a lot of murders and will increase rank significatntly, but in time they will be taken out and reset to zero it will be the people who work in groups, bandaging each other, looting, zombie killing, hunting and killing players when necessary that would come out on top and be the hardest people to kill - for me that is how it should be I would even increase it further to say that skill levels should determine what a player can and cannot do, for instance a player with no skill in medicine cannot deliver a blood transfusion, a player with skill in hunting cannot set a bear trap, and a person with no skill in driving cannot fly a helicopter etc by doing that there would be a natural progression to the game instead of an immediate route to the airfeilds to grab a sniper and nvg
  3. Ribano

    End goal

    do you people ever get bored of being sarcastic?
  4. Ribano

    Computer Patrolled City

    i've never played fallout and in every "realistic" zombie film there is always a safe zone! spawning cities should be a place that a noob can spawn and learn the game without getting shot in my opinion. thats not carebear thats game balancing. at some point people are going to have to leave the safety of the city to find better loot at encounter the dangers of bandits and zombies. and the AI would know your a bandit cos your a bandit. AI doesn't need to look at the grin on your face and no i'm not a seasoned bandit, and yes i know the game is supposed to be hard but if you think the developers want people quitting because everyone is camping out the spawns then you're deluded. they want players cos players = money
  5. Ribano

    Blood Regeneration

    blood should only regain from below 3000 to 3000. a slow gain like 8 blood per 5 secs as mentioned. If you are above 3000 you wont suffer the side effects anymore and you can go find some food
  6. I think you took it a little two far, not everything needs multiple uses such as motilovs etc, but clothing wear and tear would work. there is no snow etc so we only have to deal with rain and as such i don't think there would be any need to create new clothing, just for the ones you are wearing to offer less protection eventually
  7. Ribano

    Microphone turns on at death

    privacy invasion? this is exactly what happens in mw3
  8. Ribano

    Incentive for not being a bandit?

    i know i think it should be brought back :)
  9. Ribano

    Incentive for not being a bandit?

    All thats needed is for them to add a few skins, it changes as your humanity decreases thus showing the risk of approach skin 1 - survivor skin 2 - has killed a person in cold blood skin 3 - has killed 10 people in cold blood then you can make an educated decision on whether to approach. if he has a m16 and is skin 1 and is running around with the best packs etc he's probably not a killer. or is he?
  10. Ribano

    Computer Patrolled City

    make the AI have higher health then.