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About DaBilderberg

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  1. I wish something could be done about all of this douche-baggery. Sadly enough, the trolls on this forum are just going to tell you that nothing matters unless you have a screen shot or video. (which is annoying in itself because you have to anticipate the unpredictable.) I had the same thing happen to me, and it's just not fun when you pour all of those hours into accumulating items and then you get nuked by a hacker. The least the DayZ team could do is revert the players items to before the nuke, but that's extremely wishful thinking.
  2. DaBilderberg

    US 1345 everyone died

    I had this same problem on Atlanta 501, all 30 people on the server died instantaneously. It is my speculation that the server admin used the /kill command on everyone in the server, or some hacker shmuck did it. Regardless, hours of effort down the drain to some troll that can't play the game fair.
  3. DaBilderberg

    Where's the loot?

  4. DaBilderberg

    Regular A2OA Armory laggy

  5. Is it just me, or has the latest beta patch/files caused the regular A2OA armory to have severe fps lag?
  6. DaBilderberg


    bump because u admins aren't patching
  7. You can't complain about the alpha because its like electrolytes that plants crave. In all seriousness though, I think people are being too defensive about it only being in alpha... this is when you fix problems and are SUPER critical about things. The excuses: "it's just a mod" or "it's just an alpha" are kind of moot points. Sure it's an alpha and a mod, that doesn't make it impossible for Rocket to keep improving upon it. And no, it isn't immune to criticism nor should it be.
  8. DaBilderberg


    http://arma2.swec.se/server/list Go there and type in There's still at least a couple hundred servers that are running I attribute it to the server admin's laziness/fear/ignorance. People play in servers, pitch tents, build cars, and UPDATE when prompted to. When you update your client and the server you have been playing in hasn't, it isn't necessarily an elated feeling. Yay! Now we get to wait for some incompetent fool to take their sweet ass time updating the server.
  9. DaBilderberg


    BETA or ALPHA, my point still stands.... update your servers.
  10. DaBilderberg


    Why don't these server admins make a better effort to keep their servers up to date? This is a BETA! Therefore we must test it, and not wallow around in version If you haven't already, UPDATE YOUR DAM SERVER! has been out for days now so stop procrastinating and update. That is all.
  11. DaBilderberg

    Respawn, Are you sure?

    This hasn't happened to me, but for a few of my friends it's been an accidental killer. How many times have you clicked respawn when trying to abort? There needs to be another window popup asking "Are you sure?" after clicking Respawn. In a game with permadeath, this is a pertinent feature. Thoughts?
  12. DaBilderberg

    Fractional Inventories

    All inventories in the game should be fractional. (mainly to prevent overloading and thus loosing items) In other words, anything you go to loot should have a fraction of how much it holds. A camp fire, for instance, has 8 slots. If you have 8 things in it, and someone puts something else in, rather than the game declining the item transfer request, the item will just vanish. An factional inventory system would prevent these vanishing items from happening. All potential item holders such as dead bodies, zombies, camp fire, tent, etc should have the fractional inventory. In the case of the tent, there should be a fraction for weapons, bags, and regular items.
  13. This may have been suggested before, but wouldn't it be a good idea to have the steel bolts become part of the inventory of the dead target. Right now, I need to run over, go into first person, and retrieve my bolt by precisely aiming at the 1 millimeter thick stick. Unfortunately, this becomes quite the hassle, especially when you kill a zombie on a hill. In many instances I kill a zombie on a hill, go to retrieve my bolt, and find out that the bolt is lost somewhere in the body/hill. To solve this, make the bolt attach itself to the inventory of the corpse. Thoughts?