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Everything posted by Wargunner

  1. Wargunner

    Heli Hacker (Hilarious Video)

    "I'm in the airfield WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!" Hahahaha. Holy shit that made me laugh.
  2. Wargunner

    Stupidest Ways to Die in DayZ

    Me n a bud were in a restaurant in Cherno, he walks passed me in the corridor. Bam, broken leg and unconscious. We now take caution when walking passed eachother. I live in fear he will abuse me again.
  3. Wargunner

    Ever been chased by a vehicle?

    I was just thinking that when reading your story lol.
  4. Wargunner

    Takeeeee THAT bandit skum!

    calling those people 'bandits' is giving them too much credit. I prefer the term 'retards'.
  5. Wargunner

    Tent north of Story Sobor on UK119?

    You fuckin badass you.
  6. Wargunner

    Ghost Towns Come With Ghost Loot?

    Wait 5-10 mins, 30 or so metres away. If nothing switch servers. Not too fond of the loot system when I find myself waiting for loot to spawn.
  7. Wargunner

    So BattlEye saved me today

    Saved me once. Was looting the market in Cherno at night time on a low pop server. Then all of a sudden I was being fired at from no where. Got kicked for script restriction right before I died. Logged back on bleeding and unconcious...Survived.
  8. Wargunner

    Name your good deed of the day.

    Was on a server with Side chat. Someone needed morphine in Vybor. I was in my jeep driving around tooting the horn. He heard me and we started talking. I wasn't trusting enough to go up to him and hand him morphine so I left some in a shed close to his position. I think he was fairly greatful, considering he said he'd give me a coyote back pack. But I wasn't in it for the rewards :)
  9. Wargunner

    Why this mod is failing

    Same age I did 5 minutes ago. Nice try though. Thanks for validating my point.
  10. Wargunner

    Why this mod is failing

    I love how so many people get all butthurt when someone bad mouths this game.
  11. I always feel disheartened when I see my murder count go up rather than my bandit kill count.
  12. Wargunner


    I did, twas a treacherous journey though. But it was worth it my friend. Oh it was worth it.
  13. Incredible trouble. Oh god the pain. I just circle the beast for minutes until the option appears. Legit.
  14. Wargunner

    I killed my friend.

    If only more people had that kind of response when taking someones life.
  15. Wargunner

    The Terminator

    It was dark, the blood red glow of the glowsticks was the only thing giving me light. I was peaking over the edge of the cold concrete ledge, peering into the two-story caffee-like building. I could hear foot steps every so often. My Makarov was armed and ready, the time to take the shot will come any second now. I heard the foot steps again on the hard wooden floor. I bead of sweat rolled down the side of my face. Then, my heart dropped. I heard more footsteps. But this time it was from behind me. I turned swiftly but it was two late. I was being hacked at with a crow bar. Proned, with nothing else to do I emptied my Makarov into this unknown being. It retreated immediately. I reloaded a clip and went after it. I'd been hacked at a couple of times but I was still mobile. As I searched for it in this emptied school building I wondered to my self. Perhaps I missed most of my shots in pure panic. My attention was immediately stolen as I heard the sounds of bandages and wound wrapping. Aha! Gotcha! I thought to myself. I slowly walked into the room with my gun drawn to my good eye. I saw a dark object in the corner, the human-like movement gave it away. Before I knew it, it lunged at me with incredible speed. It took me by surprise, despite my readiness. I walked backwards firing another clip into it. It was still able to hack away at me before I realised my clip was empty. I turned around and sprinted away from it. I needed time to reload my Makarov. It was bounding towards me with great pace. I had to reload now before it was too late. I was just quick enough. I turned 180 degrees and blasted a few rounds into it. I heard the snapping of bone. It was on the ground, still crawling towards me. It took another swing right before I began to sprint in the opposite direction. I heard the sickening crunch I had heard not too long ago. I too was down. I had made some ground with my last sprint. It continued to crawl towards me. I had just enough time to take aim. I took my Makarov back to my eye and shot. Silence. On inspection I had hit it dead in the middle of the forhead. I looked at it further in bewilderment. "What the hell was that?" I quizzed myself as I lay there gasping for air. I crawled over to it. It looked like any other human. But it just couldn't have been human. No human could have possibly survived that hail storm of bullets. I searched it's body, but it had nothing of interest. My senses were coming back to me. That gunfire was sure to attract both zombie and human alike. I crawled out of what use to be a primary school and was on my way. under the cover of night, I started my journey. Onto the hospital. Inspired by the recent update that nerfed the damage of many weapons.
  16. Wargunner

    Player as a Dog???

    Ok so this is what I got: You came across a dog that was actually a player, so despite such a wierd occurance you shoot it anyway. Wow there really is one reaction for every situation. Did it occur to you that maybe this player was a victim of a hacker?
  17. Wargunner

    Bug or Hack, not sure. please dont ban us.

    Haha, what are the odds eh? I might go on a different server and see if the problem has carried over..I really hope not. I'll be back... EDIT: Ok so, the problem follows you to different servers. However if you drop the weapons your original weapons appear and your bag with everything in it comes back. However, If you log in then out again the m249 and gold revolver comes back. You can drop them again and you get your stuff back. It essentially dupes those items. Since I can get around the issue I might start playing again. Bit of an annoyance, but nothing huge.
  18. Wargunner

    Bug or Hack, not sure. please dont ban us.

    You aren't the only one. I logged half hour ago because of the EXACT same issue. m14 is in my hands, but shows m249 in primary. Golden revolver in secondary with normal revolver in hands. No back pack. Happened after a server restart. I'm yet to try another server. I'll get on again when I can be bothered finding a day time server that isn't full. EDIT: I see your in Brisbane, was it the AU1 server?
  19. Wargunner

    Your rules for shoot on sight

    Kill as soon as you see? No, not yet anyway. I usually scope the person out put some thought into it. Got an m104 last night so I thought I'd head down to the NWAF to test it out. Came across one guy at the barracks near the station. I scoped him, only had an Enfield so I thought I'd leave him be. He doesn't head to the barracks though, he prones under the tree and watches the barracks. It took me a while to figure out what he was doing but then it clicked. He was camping the barracks, much like I was. I decided I didn't like his intentions. By the time I had pulled the trigger 5 minutes had gone by. I missed. He Alt+F4'd. Range finder woulda been nice in that situation.
  20. Wargunner

    Session lost in vehicle.

    Well it's good to know I'm not the only one lol. 2 out of three I've lost to this 'session lost' message...I don't even get it that much. *cries*. Oh well, I'm still in the forest so I'll have a look around I guess.
  21. 8 hours of server hopping later...
  22. Wargunner

    What kills you the most?

    I laughed when I saw that bugs have been a greater threat than zombies in a zombie apocalypse lol. I'd have to go players. Haven't been killed by a zombie in ages, once you know how they work they're easy to escape.
  23. Wargunner

    Its time to stop being babys

    Ahh, if only. Then I wouldn't have to read crap like this. Oh the hipocrisy.
  24. Wargunner

    How big of a dick am I?

    Hmm, idk. Unless you saw them as a threat then that seems fairly reasonable. If someone gets the jump on me and doesn't kill me, I'm not going to kill them. After all they could have killed me at first chance, so I should rightly be killed. For instance I was on the hill at the back of Stary someone starts talking to me on direct comm, he didn't seem exactly threatening, I couldn't see him at that time. He started shooting at my feet so I bolted behind a bush. He just laughed, haha. I was getting ready to shoot if he found me, but then I thought 'he would of shot me if he really wanted to'. He found me, didn't shoot him, he didn't shoot me. We greeted, he was bleeding badly, but that didn't seem to phase him, I offered him a bandage but he declined. We talked for a bit Then asked me if I needed anything, I replied and said I'd been looking for a vehicle because walking is getting old. He agreed, then the next thing I know, there was a luxury SUV behind me. He said 'nice people deserve nice things' and walked off. I had that vehicle for a whole half hour before I lost it to a DC. So yeah, figure that one out lol.