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Everything posted by Wargunner

  1. Guys seriously if you can't read this or are even having trouble reading this you are retarded. If you can't even understand slight deviation from standard written English I think you need some more English lessons.
  2. Wargunner

    Found a ghosters den on my server.

    Place is being over-watched by good guys. Wont give their location though. A thanks to them.
  3. Wargunner

    Don't tell me to "Chill"

    Yeah righto mate.
  4. Wargunner

    Alt+F4 doesn't work?

    Doesn't work for me, So abort will suffice. I'm not letting some Ronald mcDonald Take my beans.
  5. Was having a convo with a friend. He mentioned a shopping centre called Chirnside but called it Chirni for short. Man it took me a few seconds to realise he wasn't talking about Cherno. Stood there blank trying to figure out what was going on. Shit was crazy. Oh, and I've been setting up tents and shit in my bank yard, got my vehicle hoarding goin on. Got me a chopper yesterday. Been Stockpiling matches since they're more rare than NVG's. Super serious now, was walking down the street at night some guy pulled a knife and demanded my wallet. I just alt+F4'd into another server LOL.
  6. Yeah, it kinda sucks in a way. Once I'm geared by similar methods I pretty much play to die. I need something to work towards to keep me occupied. If tents were working I might do more travelling. I was having more fun loot cycling Balota then going into Cherno.
  7. Wargunner

    Come on now, what the hell...

    Haha, some good luck for a change! Seems like you have pretty eventful dayz in DayZ. Should chill with you sometime.
  8. Wargunner

    My secret for a quick gear up

    I feel this is needed not for the OP, but for the people complaining about it. "it's alpha bro" Numerous times have I heard this 'saying' on this forum, and I bet it has probably come from atleast one of you guys. So here, enjoy.
  9. Wargunner

    Shot some bandit, lost 7 K humanity.

    Humanity doesn't work at all for me. Resets to Zero when I die, or switch servers. Sometimes goes to -30k humanity...Sigh.
  10. I found a perfectly fine chopper outside Stary once. 20 seconds later I was back in Kamenka. Turns out knowing how to fly a chopper before finding one comes in handy.
  11. Hahaha, no no it's fine you keep your as50. ;)
  12. Wargunner

    What do you want to NOT be realistic?

    I think infected animals should be added to the forests. Not many, just enough to keep you on your toes when running through a forest late at night. Dark night in the forest should be scary, not a walk in the park (literally). Imo.
  13. Be wary of taking hacked items it may not be bannable but when I took an AS50 TWS I was trying to find a good server and in the process found out basically my whole inventory had been deleted. No back pack, no tools (at all) and no guns. Only what was in my primary inventory section. Not touching another hackers body again...Learnt the hard way.
  14. True, but in my experience it's more than likely the case. That's why they're a KoS for me, same goes with Ghillies. Guess I could say the same about unarmed players. Hmm, maybe everyone's guilty and I should kill everyone.
  15. Loving all these butthurt bandits on this thread.
  16. Wargunner

    Why are so many 'Bronies' into DayZ?

    It's a magnetic pull. Great question.
  17. Wargunner

    Remove the Murder/Bandit Kill count

    What do you mean 'and then what'? He said get rid of the kill count not killing in general you fucking moron. Honestly your post seems highly irrelevant and it's as if you didn't even read the OP. Perhaps someone's just a little butthurt over the comments made within. And yes, I realise the irrelevance of this post aswell so don't even try.
  18. I find I meet alot more friendlies on servers with side chat. Infact we got 5 random friendlies in the Elektro fire house at the same time, most of us were using voice chat just having a laugh about how rare the situation was. Oh, and we were all armed. Another time I was crouched talking in side and I see in blue caps "WARGUNNER TURN AROUND BUT DONT SHOOT" I slowly turn around and holy crap there were two bush wookies behind me. We ended up jumping on a TS3 server and grouping up for a bit. I find it entertaining on those long trips aswell, something to occupy me. The immersion aspect is a fair call, although for me, been playing this game for long enough to know how the game and all the mechanics work. Loses the magic after that. So for me not a factor.
  19. Wargunner

    Not hackers nor city snipers..

    I ALWAYS assume there are snipers camping the coastal cities. I try and make sure those hills aren't in my sight, because more than likely I'm not in those snipers sights. Also, it's alot easier to hide from snipers in Cherno. Elektro's hard because everything you want is on the edge of the city in a compact area. Loot areas in Cherno are bit more spread out around the city.
  20. I've noticed I place way too much importance on a box of matches. Same goes with random cars sitting in fields.
  21. Or maybe, just maybe, English isn't his first language. I know I know, it's far-fetched. Just putting it out there...You know how it is.
  22. Wargunner

    And it begins again.

    Report back to us when you get there.
  23. Wargunner

    The DayZ world is a complete wreck......

    Sounds more like an observation. Nice try though.