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Everything posted by Wargunner

  1. Wargunner

    WTF! Seriously?

    ^ this would be an every day pistol battle in DayZ...Too bad no one is dumb enough use pistols in PvP. Edit: Or not anymore I should say.
  2. Wargunner

    Wtf... Can someone help me please...

    Don't worry about some of the people on these forums. If I gave a shit about my gear I'd do the same thing. It's an alpha so I'll treat it like one. Alt f4 out of combat on the other hand I feel a bit different about. But avoiding bugs and glitches is fine.
  3. Wargunner

    Darn Hackers But happy.

    Jesus christ. This threads been invaded by grammar nazis. Poor OP. I encountered a hacker today. He started by shooting his m16 m203 at me, then started launching grenades as I ran. Thought screw it and stood there saying over direct comm "cmon just kill me, here I'll stand still". He replied. "Nah...it's not fun anymore". Then a zombie knocked me out so he killed me. I spawn in Elektro this time, head to the fire staish. He appears behind me. Again over direct comm I say "aww cmon man just let me live". And you know what? He does. He runs out and tells me to follow. He ended up giving me a gun and spawns every vehicle in the game. He told me he let me live because I was the only one that tried talking to him. He teleported to me a few times to check up on my progress. Was actually a nice guy.
  4. Wargunner

    I Shot A Zombie And It Said It Hurts?

    First time I heard one of them say something in another language. Scared the fucking shit outa me. Think I hid for 5 or so minutes before I got up and left.
  5. Wargunner

    Does sniping need a nerf?

    This. They have their advantages, but they also have their disadvantages. The only problem I see right now is how common they are. But once that's fixed I think they work fine how they are. Oh, and just too add. Sniping isn't as easy as it seems (atleast for me, but maybe I just suck). Hitting a moving target at range is quite difficult. Taking into account zeroing and all that, it can take time to get used to.
  6. Wargunner

    DayZ realism (NEEDS Smoke and Liquire)

    Huh, never knew that. Learn something new everyday! Though I still wouldn't mind, simply for games sake.
  7. Hahaha, I'm just imagining that late night walk home scene from Shaun Of The Dead, lol.
  8. Wargunner

    DayZ realism (NEEDS Smoke and Liquire)

    Alcohol could be a good addition. Though would have to work out the positive and negative effects. All I can think of at the moment is that it could be a less effective but easier way to warm up, it comes at its price ofcourse (loss of coordination, etc). But warmth in this game at the moment isn't really a big factor like food and water are.
  9. Never encountered a hero before, so assuming the hero skin is working somewhat correctly, no I wouldn't. Gear isn't that important to me these dayz.
  10. Wargunner

    2 new gun suggestions

    Ahh yeah, look if it was THAT rare I'd be cool with it.
  11. Wargunner

    People who murder bandits =/= heroes

    At first I thought it was strange killing bandits didn't get you humanity. But giving it some thought, it doesn't seem like a white-knight thing to do - go out and kill people who have killed. Kinda reminds me of Dexter. I don't think you should suffer a humanity hit from killing bandits though. I don't think it's humane but I don't think it's inhumane either.
  12. This would be the main reason I would kill unarmed players. Numerous times have I let a defensless 'friendly' Run by, only to have them try and kill me as soon as they lay hands on a weapon. I still can't bring myself to shoot unarmed players. Though I am extremely wary of them. There's that small chance they may actually be friendly and you didnt kill a good person.
  13. Wargunner

    2 new gun suggestions

    I'm all for variety. These guns would be fine IMO. As long as something like the as50 tws stays out of the game I'm cool with it. Anything with an iron sight I'd like to see introduced.
  14. There is still way too much uncertainty for me to care about the system at the moment. Sometimes humanity gets set back to 0 on login/respawn. So you might see a survivor but deep down they could have -100k humanity. So I still shoot survivors when I need to. I've had plenty of surivors try and kill me. Oh, and just to add. I don't think the idea is terrible. It's just the bugs it has so far that aren't desirable. And these are the problems you have highlighted, not the idea itself.
  15. I believe Cherno wins against Elektro hands down if survival is your goal. Simply because everything is more scattered so your less likely to run into conflict and there's more cover from sniper fire. They pretty much have the same loot spawns. Though Cherno has two hospitals and medical tents. If you feel like a little more player interaction then you may want Elektro.
  16. Wargunner

    What weapon was underwhelming to you?

    Double barrel shotgun. Found one ages back, thought 'oh cool'. Take aim at a zombie..'ummm'... ...*drops shottie, re-equips hatchet* too bad it sounds like a beast.
  17. Wargunner

    The Sad Realization.

    Hate all you want my friend. I simply don't care what people that can only see things from their own perspective think. I realise this is an alpha, I don't get angry when my tent or vehicle disappears, or when I'm dropped from 1000 metres. However, I understand that others might, and I believe that is perfectly acceptable. Oh, and I'm sure you hate these forums, you and all your 840 posts.
  18. Wargunner

    The Sad Realization.

    How about instead of spewing all the bullshit that seems to be endlessly regurgitated on this forum try using your brain instead. People are going to be pissed off when their hard work is destroyed in a matter of seconds in an illegitimate way. Running around Cherno with an Enfield isnt everyones cup of tea. There is no easy solution. If people enjoy part of the game that is there, but is wrecked by 'hackers' then maybe they should take a break and give stand alone a go when it comes out. Sure, it's not the most desirable solution and that's why I believe people vent their frustration on the forum, people want to play the game, but can't in its current state. But until then, we shall be reminded atleast 1000 times a day by people like you. Yes, we all know 'bro', it's alpha.
  19. Wargunner

    Where are the snipers?

    I think Elektro is more sniper heavy than Cherno. More vantage points there.
  20. Wargunner

    The sad state of some players.

    Crossbows are serious business. Heaven forbid if you lose that to an unarmed player.
  21. Wargunner

    Where are the snipers?

    Their ammo must be running out, since clips don't refill when you log anymore.
  22. Wargunner

    Isn't this game lovely :)

    When I first joined DayZ I was an innocent unsuspecting friendly. I'd call out friendly at each chance, hoping to have a bud to run around Cherno with making more buds. But it was short lived, we'd either get shot down or zombies would split us apart. So I stopped trying to team up. Two people are easier to detect than one (this goes for zombies). I still called friendly but we usually went our separate ways if I wasn't shot. As time went on I found myself dieing too often to my friendly nature. So I stopped calling friendly and observed others without them knowing of my presence. I was getting to the 'trust no one stage' quite fast. However, I was still not a shoot on sight player. After being backstabbed by squeaksters and unarmed players I take caution with everyone, even the unarmed. I don't shoot them on sight. Atleast not yet. I was in the Elektro market when an unarmed was outside, he saw me, I was armed. I told him it was ok over direct chat. So he came in and looted. I left and headed to the restaurant accross the road. I then hear foot steps behind me, it was the unarmed now armed with a crow bar trying to take me down. I dispose of him quite easily, and say "this is what I get for letting you live" as he lies there dead. This is when I realised no one could be trusted. I thought this game was about rising up against the infected. Well, that was shortlived. They became an annoyance, a thorn in your side. It was the players that were the real danger. If you must rise up, rise up against them. But you know, I'm not angry about this. Though it saddens me. This game made me realise what people can really be like, that there are 'bad' people out there, however I do realise there are 'good' ones aswell but most get thrown into the same boat. It makes it extra special when you find those people aswell. I lost innocence during this game, and I could apply it to real life. So for a social experiment I think it has done its job. When I play this game I don't say to myself 'oh well it's just a game, I'll earn this guys trust and take his beans as soon as he helps me get a gun'. The people who use this as an excuse are the people I am talking about. This game releases peoples inner douche-bag. Trust is a privilege, and if you take your chance and trust me, you can be sure as hell I will honour that trust. Hell, if you find me first and decide not to kill me no matter what gear you have I'll honour that trust. Trust to me is the most valuable thing in this game. Earning someones trust is better than any Huey or pair of NVG's, it's just a shame I will never trust anyone until they earn it. I think you will go through a similar transformation, I think most lose that innocence over time. Apologies for the melodramatic response.
  23. Wargunner

    Swinko is a fag, all should hunt him

    Trust to me is worth more than any weapon in this game. He's a fool. Just think, he won't have it for long.
  24. Wargunner

    Australian Clan [SASR]

    You guys seem like a legit clan. I'm interested. Been playing for a while, growing bored of lonewolfing it. Would be good to have a group to play with and something to work towards. Have TS3. Dont have skype currently but I might just look at that now. Steam: davidxbradford You can PM the TS IP if you want. Thanks. Edit: Skype: brookesy5730
  25. Wargunner

    Another "I quit because..."

    Another needle leaves the hay stack. *cries*