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About Wargunner

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  1. Wargunner

    Dayz silent Knife Kills ?

    I see no problem with being able to easily kill someone with a knife from behind, seems pretty logical to me. The game could do with some more melee dynamics, even emphasise the stealth element of the game a bit more. I don't really understand why people jump to conclusions and immediately shoot down a potentially good idea.
  2. Wargunner

    Did you really put in heart attacks?

    What's this? They're putting in more survival elements to the game? Something else to focus on other than PvP? I am as outraged as you are!
  3. Wargunner

    Do we want a reward for surviving?

    I don't know what kind of rewards people are thinking about, but things like refining 'skills' such as running, wood chopping, fire making, etc seems totally reasonable to me. Things that can be learnt over time should improve over time and practice, in my opinion.
  4. Wargunner

    So why do people refuse being held up?

    To put it briefly, people are too focused on their never ending quest for loot, rather than the 'role-playing' element of the game and the many scenarios it can generate. A 'grind for gear' so to speak, like the numerous other MMO's out there. Unfortunately this is what most people make of the game when it has so much more potential.
  5. Wargunner

    Dental Hygiene (Not as bad as you think)

    I think anything that gives you more to focus on is a welcomed addition in my book. The mod, after playing for a while, was incredibly basic. Additions such as these would add a bit more substance and place more emphasis on the survival element of the game.
  6. I really loved the S.T.A.L.K.E.R theme. Obviously it isn't the same setting, but the gas mask could some how connect with air born diseases if something like that was ever to exist in DayZ. Besides, it looks majorly badass.
  7. Wargunner

    Why do you shoot unarmed players?

    Because they aren't armed yet.
  8. Wargunner

    NPC poll

    I'd like to see NPC's in the SA. If they are enough of a challenge it might make people more inclined to team up. I'm not sure how this would fit into the story line (if there even is one), but maybe something like a military cull of Chernogorsk to exterminate any trace of the infection. Obviously the survivors would be fighting both military and the infected to survive. Edit: When I say this, I mean as a random event every so often. Perhaps all kinds of events to keep things interesting.
  9. 1. Having seen the new loot system I think adding extras like locked chests, doors and vehicle boots would create another aspect of scavenging. You would have to use a tool, such as a crow bar or even a hatchet, maybe even a lock pick to access these areas. Alternatively you could shoot at the lock, how ever it would make alot of noise and may not be worth it, risk vs reward sort of thing. Perhaps adding levels of locks, ranging from old car boots to military security that may require explosives to open. Examples: - Searching a house for loot. Finding a locked chest/door. Open them with a tool such as a crow bar for additional loot. - Bank vault, perhaps used earlier on by military personell for safe zones and storage. Would require explosives to loot what was once stashed inside. The loot could be anything really, maybe food storage, maybe the family heir loom hunting rifle, maybe just even old family photos, documents, notes, jewellery that once held sentimental value (simply for immersions sake, perhaps even story line). 2. Fields of long grass, something you would expect to see. Maybe not everywhere, but something that can enable players to use strategy. Running through long grass would protect you from zombie and even player line of sight. Or in contrast, players could hide in it and wait for unaware victims to pass by. Examples: -Group of players scoping out a town. Using the long grass to enter it unseen by hordes of zombies surrounding the area. - You are travelling along a road on foot. You hear a vehicle approaching from behind. You quickly jump into long grass on the side of the road to avoid detection. - You are hidden in long grass waiting for your unaware victim. Once victim is close enough you may have your way with them. Any criticism and thoughts on expanding upon these ideas would be awesome, thanks.
  10. I'd be happy If I could disable a player with one well placed shot to the upper body with any ak or m4 variant, providing they don't have body armour. a few shots to the body with a pistol to put them out would be great too.
  11. Wargunner


    Yes jumping. The ability to press space bar and jump freely. I can't stand it in multiplayer games. I can't think of anything that destroys the atmoshpere more (except combat logging) than having a player spam the jump key while in the middle of a fire fight. I haven't seen any info on this regarding the SA, so hopefully it stays out. The mechanism we have now could use a tad more refinement though. Thoughts?
  12. Stop and stare at each other awkwardly.
  13. Wargunner

    Why do you use 3rd person?

    As long as everyone's on a level playing field idc what happens. I like being able to peak over walls, grass etc. I think they should put in a mechanism where you can elevate your view slightly, not third person as such but similarly to the way you can lean left and right to see around corners.
  14. Don't exactly see the point. Kinda seems like a dick move honestly.
  15. Wargunner

    What if you only had one life in DayZ.

    Honestly I think this is where you have crossed the line of realism. I simply wouldn't find it fun, I'd be too scared to do anything.