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Mane (DayZ)

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About Mane (DayZ)

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    On the Coast

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  1. Hello community, as i was just surfing this forum and the reddit dayz-threads, i realised something. At every given moment the community of dayz is searching for ways to get more out of the game in context of endgame-content and team driven efforts. The fun and emotions in dayz come from player interaction. At minimum this means teaming up but it goes on to creating a small camp with vehicles and tents and then there is more. There are great projects out there, people offering rescue, trade outposts, taxi services, mercenary´s for hire, clan wars going on etc. This is all great but what i think is missing is some kind of central information hub. Think about dayzmod.com (or another name) where every server has it´s own page showing: A section where it is possible to: leave messages for others, request help or a teamup, offer missions, offer bountys, post trade requests. maybe a map of the map running on the server where you can mark locations and leave messages attached to it maybe even the number of claimed/free vehicles etc. Also clans could try to lay a claim on a server by leaving a message for other clans on the serverpage. There are more possibilities if you have ideas chime in. Exceptionally great would be a chat Area where you can team up and join together at a specific location. Plus the usual serverinfo that can be found on sites like gametracker.com and a shiny join Button. I think this would really push the game on a completely new level. Right now (i know it´s alpha) if i wanna play i just start on a random server and hope to find some friendlys for a teamup. Now, i know a big part of the community is already organized in different clans over different websites but this leads to fragmentation. For example to find out about the trade outpost i have to find the correct forum and check the right thread for the proper time, trade requests are on reddit and here etc. Imagine you go onto dayzmod.com click on play and first you get the main page with an overview of whats happening on dayz as a whole, with a worldmap showing how many instances are up per country. A ticker with information in realtime with info: Where players are searching for a teamup, which tradestations are up and running, if a medical rescue service is up, if someone just discovered and shared a camp location (which could be trap). You click on one of these and jump direct into the game or you choose to go onto a specific serverpage and check a specific server for missions or messages or if someone published your campsite. Maybe another clan or the "bandit alliance" had the audacity to lay a claim on your homeserver etc. Many ideas and a rough concept. Maybe some people get the idea. I attached a crude mockup of how it could look like (very very crude done, in paint and i am no web designer). What are your opinions on something like this? How would you design the global welcome page or the specific serverpages? The game is in alpha let´s get some ideas for interfaces together i know there are really talented people out there, show us what can be done. Thanks for reading, even more thanks if i get some responses. And beans will be given out to designs and well written good ideas. (English is not my native tongue, if i butchered the language i am sorry) tl;dr Dayz needs an infopage for every server to check for missions, trades, wars, help requests etc.
  2. Mane (DayZ)

    Do Ghillie suits exist

    I found one two days ago at a helicrash. Immediately put it on aaaaaaand. My alice pack got switched out with a starter backpack. This caused the m249 wich i had in the alicepack to disappear. But progress afterwards was saved. So it looks like they work, just dont wear a backpack with anything important inside when you put them on. Also found another one this morning on a doorstep in elektro
  3. Mane (DayZ)

    Out of bounds item/vehicles cleanup [2012-07-06]

    just wanted to say thanks for the patch. Game runs and looks much better. Plus: I just found bicycles. Finally no more running at slow speed all the time.
  4. Mane (DayZ)

    An open letter to the silent majority

    First Post just to say thanks to rocket. Thanks for the mod and especially thanks for continuing development and improving the game.