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About Dudemeister123

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  1. * Server this happened on: US #00 ( [REG][GMT-7] Multiplay :: Hosted by MoB * Time that it happened including your timezone. My timezone is GMT+2 and in my time this happened approximately 18.30-18.35 * What happened during the incident: Was standing by in some woods watching a vehicle when i was teleported to what looked like one of the coastal major cities(also looked like i was inside a building / inside the walls) where i fell to my death along with everyone else on the server.
  2. Dudemeister123

    Tents still duping/losing items

    So after waking up today and logging on to my usual server in my usual spot, i find that my one tent has now become two, and they are both empty. My tent had approx 40-45 general items and 3 weapons. Also the server seems to have rolled back because last night when i played it had DayZ in its name, and today it says This is the first time ive placed a tent and have it last for more than 1 day, is this the duping/server restart bug that i hear about? Edit: When checking up on a vehicle i have stashed, it seems to have been rolled back as one of the weapons i found in there and placed in my tent is now back in it.
  3. Dudemeister123

    Remove the Ghillie suit

    I like the idea in the OP about no ghillie and instead having paramilitary clothing, however body armors, webbings and whatnot do not sound interesting. Just my 2 cents.
  4. Dudemeister123

    SE 47 Server thread

    Much better :)
  5. Dudemeister123

    Getting kicked from ALL servers.

    Steam user, this fix worked for me and i use DayZ Commander. Beans to you, sir.
  6. Dudemeister123

    Kicked when entering lobby

    Hi! So i was playing a couple of hours ago with no problems. For some reason ive forgotten, i opened steam now. Before i knew it steam had downloaded and installed some updates for arma2/arma2oa. Now when i connect to a DayZ server i reach the lobby and then get instantly kicked with the message "You were kicked off the game". Im using DayZCommander and it tells me my versions of both DayZ and Arma2OA Beta are up to date. I also just updated BattlEye by placing the two DLL files from their website inside the folder; arma 2 operation arrowhead/Expansion/BattlEye. Any tips? EDIT: Found a fix
  7. Dudemeister123

    Ghillie Suit / Backpack (Bug)

    Yes this happened to me but only for 1-2 seconds and then i reappeared at my original location. I also lost my ALICE pack and was instead given an 8slot coyote pack.
  8. Dudemeister123

    Zombies aggro from 50+ meters

    I also feel that sometimes the zombies have huge aggro radius. Seen this once or twice too.
  9. Dudemeister123

    Do Ghillie Suits Work Now?

    Upon equipping a ghillie that i found earlier this evening, my backpack disappeared along with all its items and i was left with an 8slot coyote pack. The ghillie worked tho.
  10. i found a ghillie on a heli crash site a couple of hours ago and when i put it on i lost my ALICE pack and was instead given an 8slot coyote pack
  11. Dudemeister123

    Ghillie Suit Trade

    Be warned, upon wearing a ghillie suit i recently found my backpack disappeared and i was left with an 8slot coyote pack. Happened just now.
  12. Dudemeister123

    Ghillie suit bugged

    Date/Time: 28 July 16.45-17.00 gmt+2 What happened: Found heli crash site, crawled in. Looted ghillie suit and bizon(put in alice pack). After leaving the area i proceeded to wear the ghillie suit. Having found one before and loosing my inventory upon trying to wear it, i put down my primary weapon along with ammunition, beans, water and morphine on the ground first, but leaving 1 can of beans in the inventory to see if it still disappears. When clicking to wear ghillie i was for a second in a large open field with some small hills(i think this is the debug plains right?) and then i was in my same spot again, wearing the ghillie. The beans were still in my inventory(along with items in secondary and toolbelt slots) but my alice pack along with almost everything in it was gone. My debug window stats also got reset. I instead had an 8slot coyote pack containing 8 of the items that were in my alice pack. While wearing the ghillie i did not see a gear-icon on the stuff i had put on the ground and thus was not able to loot. I put on my civilian clothing again and picked up all my stuff and will let the ghillie wait for a while. Where you were: Southeast of NW airfield. What you were doing: Looting the crash site. *Current installed version: dayz - beta 95417 *Server(s) you were on: DE111 *Your system specs: i5 750 - HD6950 2gb - 8gb ram - win7 on ssd - standard hdds *Timeline of events before/after error: This all occured within 15minutes.
  13. Dudemeister123

    Vybor Shooter DE111

    Not sure what you mean, hating on europeans?
  14. Dudemeister123

    Vybor Shooter DE111

    To whoever just shot me(Erik) on the roof of the rich residential building in the middle of Vybor, you are evil :( Did you log on behind me? cause you werent there when i came out the door. Rant off, time to respawn.
  15. Dudemeister123

    SE 47 Server thread

    do you know from what ingame time it starts to become daytime? since im already in gmt+2, it will only be a 4hour+ for us.