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About nerf_dermer@hotmail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Bristol, UK
  1. nerf_dermer@hotmail.com

    Spawn times

    Sounds like it's something the DayZ dev team do, I assume there's a waiting list of white listed servers they work through? From Multiplay's website: Please be aware of the following when ordering a DayZ server: The DayZ instance ID is provided by Multiplay. Certain entities (including but not limited to vehicles) are controlled by the DayZ development team. There is no guarantee that these will regularly spawn on your service. The server must remain public at all times. Passworded servers are not permitted. Your service must comply with DayZ naming conventions set by the development team. The DayZ server code is in the alpha stage. As such features may be missing or unstable from time to time. This includes but is not limited to memory leaks, server crashes and high CPU. We will pass any information of this nature to the DayZ development team for review.
  2. nerf_dermer@hotmail.com

    uk small group looking for friends...

    This interests me. I prefer to lone wolf it, but I'm wanting some gear I've not managed to find yet! So I'm up for hooking up to do some raiding and then parting ways etc. I've got Mumble and TS3. I'm a friendly Player, I have no interest in killing other people in the game if they're just trying to survive. In game name; Nerf Dermer (also my STEAM name if you search for it. Feel to add me, just let me know it's DayZ related.) about me: 28, Bristol, UK. Hang out on UK 7 usually. I prefer servers with 3DP off. :) I've been playing since initial release, only just signed up when the swanky new forums were put in place. I've been killed so many many many times. However, this morning I was shown a different light. I was about to raid the North West Airfield when I heard revolver shots. I decided to run for it, I'd rather not get into a gun fight with someone else in that area. On exit, a few infected spawned near me and I attracted their attention... so I ran for some bushes outside the airfield en route to Vybor. Without warning I saw a survivor burst out of the bushes in front of me. It was obvious he had not seen me, or heard me running benny hill style from the infected. I managed to lose all but one infected... I start to chase after him. Eventually using Direct Chat when behind him. The guy looked like he was going to shoot me at first but I carried on running. He eventually put away his DMR and pulled a revolver! Killing the infected chasing me. We had a brief chat, about how we both startled each other... he originally startled me when I heard revolver rounds close to me, and then I startled him when I was in pursuit and used direct chat. We then offered each other supplies and went our separate ways. Of all the places I would have expected an encounter like that, I would NOT have expected it at the airfield. I only regret I didn't catch a name. Anyway, point is... that encountered showed me that not everyone is bad and direct chat goes a long way to help foster peace of mind when meeting someone in game. Thinking back now, it would have been cool to hook up and help him loot Vybor... but I did have my own mission to find night vision and crashed whirly birds. So yeah, I'd love to hook up now and then to assist in a raid or trade etc. It's one aspect of this game I haven't really experienced. Every time I've played with friends or hooked up with people that didn't use direct chat, they've got me killed. :E
  3. nerf_dermer@hotmail.com

    3D Perspective

    Thanks for the tip Wolfstriked, I wasn't aware of that. I restrict myself to 3DP OFF servers. I personally think the argument that 3DP gives better spatial awareness, regardless of who said it, a source would be nice, isn't a very good one. It goes too far the other way in my opinion. My spatial awareness in first person only servers I'd say was pretty damn good with my headset on. I've already got the ability to move my head independently from the rest of my body and the ability to tell where sounds are coming from. I too have suffered the inability to see above the foliage in FP mode, so I'll give the looking up idea a go thanks! I also feel the idea you can see around corners and over walls etc as much as they can not only ruins the immersion but isn't even spatial awareness on senses alone. It's like hooking up a webcam or one of those cool little cameras that crawl over the wall. The issue I have is you can look around corners and over walls without ever exposing yourself in anyway shape or form. On a server locked down to First Person, you have to make use of lean. This allows you to see around a corner, even shoot, but it also exposes a very small part of you. As it should. So I quite like Phanteh's suggestion. I want to be able to peak, and expose myself as I would have to in the real world. It does look like this is addressed in ARMA III with the new stances however. So I'm happy to carry on testing DayZ and wait for the ARMA III port ;) I just did a quick search on youtube. Here are two examples of what I'm talking about. The guy can spot other survivors without exposing himself in the slightest. I don't agree with it, so I don't play on 3DP enabled servers. That's just my opinion and my choice. If people want to play on 3DP enabled servers that's their call.