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Everything posted by Chauz

  1. Chauz

    Server Pricing

    Why do you people always think they have 30 million in the bank atm? I know they have some amount of profit laying around but don't it comes near that 30 million. If a store owner sells a tv for 300 euro's he didn't make a 300 euro profit, even steam already takes a huge cut from those sells.
  2. Chauz

    Morgan Freeman brings salvation to DayZ. [VIDEO]

    Rofl nice, hope you release some more vids!
  3. Chauz

    DayZ Standalone Server Hosting

    Funniest stuff ever Hahaha.
  4. Chauz

    DayZ SA Control Panel

    Hi Yes, with very limited options. Chauz
  5. Chauz

    Gunfire spawns zombies

    Ninja zombies would break my immersion in the game.. I rather have them setup roaming zombies.
  6. Chauz

    Is a Hive necessary ?

    Public hive: I can log on with my character on every server and play that character. Private: I have to play serveral characters on multiple server and if my favorite server is full I am screwed if its not a white list server.
  7. Chauz

    Admin Abuse on a few servers.

    Same here, first thing I did was setting up a sniper spot and shoot down people in Cherno just because of the PvP = Ban message.
  8. Chauz

    Admin Abuse on a few servers.

    Wrong section I believe as Standalone doesn't have bases build by people.
  9. Hi, I know there are more threads going with recognition but not with the main topic that I have, I adressed an issue regarding facial recognition in this Player Identification and Classification System by Zedsdeadbaby
  10. Chauz

    Thinking beyond only facial recognition

    I am still in doubt about this myself, I would like to remember names with faces by a small tag when you get close to them (and if you can see them) but it would indeed mess with people that would like immersion into the game.
  11. Chauz

    origin of species

    Hoax, god zapped stuff out of his finger like there was no ending..
  12. Chauz

    GSP nfoservers.com?

    No. See I helped you there, I am such a nice guy.
  13. Chauz

    Help! I've fallen...

    Roll 2 win it is.
  14. Chauz

    Duct Tape Mouth + Rope Tying

    First thing that came up in my head was also trying to tie people up, then I saw a lamp post and was thinking could I hang people to mark my territory..
  15. Chauz

    Being a bandit that doesn't KoS feels good.

    If people couldn't combat log I would torture them, but yeah I shoot them rather now then let them combat log when trying to cuff them.
  16. Just to keep people in check at the start I assume you have RP people that would join up and then ofc have the baddies joining your server to mess with them.
  17. Clan pay is a option some hosts have where members of a community can pay for the server for example you have a 80 euro server and people can follow track regarding how much is still left. Some more info but most hosts have these options. And you can implement most on your website as a widget or plugin.
  18. Chauz

    Repair system - Fallout style

    Think it shouldn't be a 100% upgrade. As you don't always have working pieces, and it should take some to even get near pristine as you cant really put 2 crappy items together to get a perfect one.
  19. Chauz


    I second that.
  20. Chauz

    People Start Cheating

    I wish I had those items :(
  21. I would play on on the server if it is monitored. At the moment I wouldn't join your staff, but this could change when private hives hit the market. Random ingame events that aren't announced for example. I would help pay for a server, but only if it has a clan pay feature like.
  22. Chauz

    Dont find a server!!

    Try looking in troubleshooting more people with the same problem.
  23. Chauz

    People Start Cheating

    Oh yeah, because that is one of the only things you can do in the game when you are already geared up exploring buildings and getting stuff you don't need, Thank you for the info :) Calling people you don't know kid..
  24. Best thing: That I can play Alpha Worst thing: That I can play Alpha
  25. Chauz

    People Start Cheating

    Ohyea very good reason... Even in this state the game is more evolved then your brain if you think like that.