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Everything posted by Chauz

  1. Is there a way to get a discount if you rent multiple servers with you? Just was wondering this yesterday.
  2. Chauz

    Please help

    To be able to change the server time is awesome, In the morning its dark on my server and in the evening day time. That way you got the server always full in the evening. Maybe Multiplay can help you out with it, otherwise Vilayer gives you the option like Orcworm stated in the config menu.
  3. Take down the server and restart it, thats pretty much all we can do atm.
  4. My server doenst have any problems with desync or high ms spikes. Only when the server reaches +35> players the loading time is longer, otherwise its done in less then few seconds. LU172 is hosted in Amsterdam btw
  5. Look for the camp Empty it out Position yourself with a view on the camp Watch them login Easy target as they probally will be running from tent to tent just to check if everything is gone. Enjoy the show and take them out
  6. Virus? Its a legit link to a stream.
  7. Its allowed tho, everyone had the chance to gathering up stuff and bulk it. Its imo unfair to reset a server imo, those people did take the time and effort to gather the stuff.
  8. Chauz

    LU209 Kicking

    Its not on my list anymore
  9. Chauz

    Are admins allowed to abuse rules if they know a Dev?

    Glad to hear, is it something worth to report if you stumble upon and can devs check up on it?
  10. Chauz

    LU131, Kicking upon joining

    I woulndt mind people having their own private server, disconnected from the Hive ofc. If they want to keep the gear on all servers then dont kick people, gear gathering is the same for all people you gotta earn it.
  11. Chauz

    need a good server host..

    Cant he just email the host to take the server offline? or doesnt he own Day Z (intellectual property)?
  12. I know Vilayer has a changeservertime.bat for the customers. If HostAltitude supports it should be in the config files.
  13. Chauz

    need a good server host..

    Dindt Day Z say they dont allow servers not connected to the Hive? If they dont no server host would risk getting blacklisted because of it.
  14. Chauz

    Why I'll now hack, dupe, and DC

    Haha, /hug
  15. Chauz

    need a good server host..

    Vilayer is a good host imo, stable servers and good connections, but you arnt allowed to host a server and locking it only for you and your friends. No Day Z host would allow such a thing.
  16. Chauz

    Hacker on DE 76

    Post it in 1 topic, you and your friend posted the samething. Its easier for all :P http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/38143-teleporthack-on-de-76/
  17. Is the guy still cheating?
  18. Chauz

    DayZ Hack ??

    Ich glaub man darf daruber nicht sprechen auf Day Z forums :P
  19. Switching server and ghosting behind them, thats why people got banned
  20. Chauz

    US 927 admin abuse Ban.

    Id rather remove them from my server (kick or bann if they come back) and report them at the same time. Players on my server atleast know that I do something about it and got my back aswell, if I have to take a warning for it, so be it. Rather take a warning then having people complain about ghosters on my server and the only thing we can do is wait for someone to check logs.
  21. Chauz

    DayZ Hack ??

    My german isnt the best but lets give it a try. Hackers haben die moglichkeit ein fahrzeug oder ein heli zu spawnen, auch ammoboxes and waffen horen zu die spawn optionen.
  22. Report it to the devs provide them with ID's and names and they can check out if those people ghosted. and Which one is it :P
  23. Cant really see anyone getting killed on the server.