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Everything posted by Chauz

  1. Chauz

    Looking for a dayz mod team!

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/forum/6-dayz-mod/ < That way :)
  2. Chauz

    CPR in Dayz SA?!?!

    I was just thinking this aswell.. and indeed you would be needing multiple people for CPR in some cases.
  3. Chauz

    Looking for a dayz mod team!

    You should try searching in the mod section if you wanna play there. Better chances there then on the SA
  4. If there any options for the server you can find them at the ACP Control Panel. Stuff you ment is for the DayZ mod, the SA does not support this at this point. Atleast not last time I checked it out, if someone could confirm or correct me I would be happy :P
  5. Oculus VR + Virtuix's virtual reality treadmill for full out experience of the game!
  6. Chauz

    Satanists among us...

    Hahahaha, DayZ would not be this much fun without the VoIP ingame.
  7. Chauz

    Joining Experimental Servers (Video Guide)

    Actually quite a nice video with a good microfoon/music.
  8. Chauz

    DayZ Standalone Server Hosting

    Nice comparison, but from what I've being reading you are currently renting a server and agreed to the terms that come with that, so I think you would buy the cake and share it with others but then create a post afterwards to complain about how you had to share the cake. If you don't like the rules, do not rent a server at this time. And make your own private server when the time comes out. No one is forceing you to play the game at this point. All these people that complain, you bought the game and ignored warnings, you rent a server and ignore warnings yet you think you have the right to complain..
  9. Chauz


    I am glad all your other posts are as usefull as this one..
  10. Chauz

    Karma Clan Server is LIVE! Come play your way!

    You will need DayZ Standalone.
  11. Chauz

    DayZ Community Live Streams

    Scrolling down here I can only see every few posts is a "merge" posts ..
  12. This + game experience
  13. Chauz

    How would you like to see loot respawning done?

    Something that has to do with X amount of hours uptime + RNG spawn table. Loot refreshing should not be in the hand of admins (like restarting server ect)
  14. Chauz

    I have just met players

    Got a axe in my head because I did not manage to pick up the axe before him. This was when people started to discover the mod.
  15. Chauz

    How i take care of babie killers

    Don't think all groups gather around each other, what if I tell you that there are groups covering each other from a few 100 meter distance so you cant get pinned down ( what you are trying to manage unloading) and can cover each others backs. Or perhaps you should try to work on your aim so you don't have to unload clip after clip to kill someone :P But then again Im not killing fresh spawns and we only focus on groups
  16. Chauz

    How i take care of babie killers

    Cool, I highly doubt that but cool.
  17. Ofcourse this happens to other people aswell there should be some threads about it..
  18. Chauz

    what should i do? My fiend is evil

    Double tap your friend if you don't like his playstyle.
  19. Chauz

    Another Use for Your Backpack

    I like the idea allot! +1 from me.
  20. Chauz

    Blood spilling on the ground.

    How would this affect server preformance if there are for example 100 people online, would the blood trail be "cleaned up" by the server after x minutes just like bodies?
  21. Chauz

    How i take care of babie killers

    + those "bambies" aren't that helpless in DayZ SA, they can punch the sh*t out of you without the help of weapons.
  22. Chauz

    How i take care of babie killers

    You might wanna adjust your signature. If I would kill a fresh spawn no one is really protecting them as they are laying a pool of blood..