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Everything posted by Chauz

  1. Chauz

    Tent City US 546 come get your loot

    I agree, but still Day Z staff thinks otherwise so I cant kick/ban people for it. A clan only has to get 1 new account hack a bunch of items in and dupe the sh!t out of it and they are topped off for a few bucks.
  2. Chauz

    Tent City US 546 come get your loot

    Could I ask you why you bann people with hacked weapons? From what I know hacked in weapons are legit to keep on you if you find them only 'hacking' them in isnt allowed or did they change their policy on this? Just so I dindt miss anything
  3. Chauz


    27th atm and they are still "testing" the server. Everyone gets kicked from it (only 3 steady players).
  4. Never say the the exact amount of people defending you :P
  5. Chauz

    So. Who wants this stash?

    If you find there the camp make sure you double tap CTRL to lower your weapon :P
  6. Chauz

    camouflage nets ?

    Just implement a camo netting. You would need allot of ghillie suits to cover up a car and part of the area around it.
  7. Chauz

    Forgot server, lost tent

    You might wanna use DayZ commander it shows the most recent servers, if you are having crashes sometimes.
  8. Chauz

    So. Who wants this stash?

    Counter sniping isnt a bad thing boy!
  9. Chauz

    So. Who wants this stash?

    L85 + ammo and a AS50 plx,
  10. Chauz

    US 286 - Kicking and Server Lock

    Cant seem to find them on Six Launcher or DayZ Commander.
  11. Chauz


    Screens would help, You need some proof even if people can look it up themself.
  12. Because Rocket maybe has other stuff to do then to look up on servers, he has a team for it. And from what Ive being reading on the forum Sat/Sunday allot of servers got blacklisted or did recieve a email from the devs.
  13. Chauz

    Why do people stream snipe?

    Probally because you are giving them attention, and they just love to annoy people.
  14. Chauz

    Golden weapons?

    Only if it goes Hallelujah if you throw it
  15. You have to roleplay a crab now! I got this sometimes, I just double tap serveral movement keys and it often gets fixed.
  16. They are blacklisten really quick now atm I noticed. First of all you only pay for a server with Day Z installed on it or a or a dedicated server, you dont pay for acces to the Hive server so you have to follow the rules if you want to be connected to the server. If you get blacklisted you still have the service you paid for a a server with Day Z installed on it or a or a dedicated server. But as you said you only wanna play on your own server then a private hive would be better suited for you all.
  17. Chauz

    Can my computer run dayz?

    No one likes the blur :P
  18. Chauz

    Sonic Clan "Private" Server

    Simple its agianst the rules and it should be reported just like hackers. Wanna have a private server? fine get blacklisted and run your own private hive.
  19. Chauz

    Golden weapons?

    Oh god no, pls not.
  20. I agree with you, would be nice to get more freedom on the server, but you knew you were limited in your power if you want to be connected to the Hive while getting a server.
  21. Chauz

    banned from lu134?

    Getting this.. You were kicked off the game (BattlEye: Admin kick (*name*))
  22. IB4 first guy complains about getting sniped there.
  23. I can also I do recommend Vilayer, I can only speak for myself ofc. I had my server up and running in less then an hour but they are setting each server up manually so some servers take longer from what ive being reading on the forum. I never had any problems with the server, the only problem that I had with them is that they did patch the servers without sending a email announcing it, but they did take my idea of emailing people 15min prior to the patch up as a gd idea. So they are taking ideas in to in proof the service and are working on it to in proof the service.
  24. Chauz

    I am so pissed off at DayZ servers

    Yea happend to us aswell, we even had a other problem, two of my mates coulndt see your ural & two offroads and a other mate could just see the cars fine. After a reset everything was back to normal.