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Everything posted by Chauz

  1. Chauz

    Saying Hey

    Also there are some threads up with useful information. here you have one of them.
  2. Chauz

    Standalond Hackers...[Teleported to ocean]

    Wipe data servers as a temp solution till they fix this.
  3. Chauz

    I got teleported to the ocean...

    Hi there! There is a central thread for this There might be a solution if you wanna wipe your char - List of servers that wipe data, just an idea for a temp solution till they fix this.
  4. Because its their fault you trusted them? Never trust anyone words are just words that can be broken. Don't consider anyone friendly if they are armed.
  5. I think hes mad mad, really mad, like mad mad with a touch of mad beyond mad.
  6. I feel bad for your parents with that language of yours. You shoulndt be able to talk 24/7 if you would follow that first part of you wich woulndt be a bad thing..
  7. Chauz

    playing alone

    You can still play alone, yet you need to be more careful and recon cities more. I always play alone and gear up before meeting up with my squad. Avoid people and be as stealthy as possible
  8. I prefer them having to work on server stability/zombie glitching inside buildings or any fine tuning of the game first and then handle ghosters or alt-f4 people. I see your point but you still want their updated server files and fixes like anyone else that runs an server ^^
  9. Chauz

    BIG BUG, do not delete dis

    I think the devs should put all their resources on this!
  10. ^ Its Alpha they have more important stuff to focus on, for players this is a big problem (notice this stuff myself) yet for (I assume) for the devs its not their main focus atm as its still an alpha and they will work on this later on.
  11. Chauz

    Saying Hey

    Welcome! If you need someone to teach you how to play or want to play with some other people you can just scroll down or try few of these threads (underneath) but assuming your playing with a friend he will guide you. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/157582-willing-to-help-new-players-learn-dayz-us/ http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/157208-team-up-18/ http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/156841-team-up/ http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/157303-looking-to-teamup/
  12. Chauz

    RCON dayz SA

    I am still suprised that people like McG2 for example rent servers and dont even bother to read the rules that come with renting a server.. most hosts just want to loot whore the sh!t out of their server..
  13. Chauz

    TBG Clan Server

    They should close down those servers straight away imo, because they arn't clueless regarding the rules and use "it was a hacker" to justify their kicks.
  14. Chauz

    dayz standalone

    If you like DayZ mod you will like DayZ SA, what I noticed is that many CoD or BF players think its boring because they dont get thrown into action straight away.
  15. Chauz

    New Player..... Long time Game watcher

    Just make sure to remind them its the law that you have the right to return it online, most companies try to sneak their way out of it :P
  16. Chauz

    Going to buy DayZ and need noob tips

    Try contacting the guy from this thread. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/157041-seasoned-dayz-vet-lf-new-players-to-help/
  17. Chauz

    New Player..... Long time Game watcher

    If your in the EU, I know most countries have 7-14 days return/cancel policy if you buy stuff on the internet or sign a contract. Make sure you do mention this if they say they cant do it, its your right to cancel or return it and get your money back.
  18. Chauz

    What's some famous last words in Dayz?

    You cant beat that one.
  19. Chauz

    New Player..... Long time Game watcher

    Ohgod dont say you really did buy Arma2 instead of SA :huh:
  20. Chauz

    DayZ SA Create Server

    Cant help you with that :(
  21. Chauz

    DayZ SA Create Server

    Getting connected to the hive means your an official host I think. Getting files is the easiest part to get, Dayz started as a private project for Rocket and his friends and some how people got their hands on the server files and were joining his server If I remember correctly, so if there is a way people always find it same goes with server files if people will find them somewhere they will use them. Just make sure you contact a host and ask if their servers are connected to the official Dayz SA hive.
  22. Chauz


    Seems legit!
  23. Chauz

    Got Any Tips?

    Try looking up some threads, we have some with allot of usefull tips and tricks.
  24. Chauz

    What's some famous last words in Dayz?

    Someone did take me hostage, when he wasnt really paying attention I did shout "someone behind you" then he turned around asked where and then I just replied "Oh its me" while knocking him out with my fire extinguisher.
  25. Chauz

    dead body sinking into floor

    As soon as people respawn the body will sink into the ground and you cant loot, I am pretty sure its a bug.