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About WmDGeneralHeaven

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. WmDGeneralHeaven

    DayZ with WmD - Episode 10: The Battle for the red Skoda

    Yeah the 'no-scoping' with AS50 was really fail indeed haha I'm Dutch yes, but all the others in the group aren't ;)
  2. Here's the latest episode from our series. It's about an 2 hour long battle we had around Stary Sobor. Where another group of survivors has crashed their car, and are now desperate to get it back. Enjoy!
  3. WmDGeneralHeaven

    DayZ with WmD - Miniseries

    OP updated with Episode 09! This time we show a raid we did in Cherno last night. We were just derping around. But, there's always action in Cherno! Enjoy this 1
  4. WmDGeneralHeaven

    DayZ with WmD - Miniseries

    It's been awhile, but here is another episode for this series. This one includes, as the title says, our first encounter with a Huey. You'll also see: a classic case of 'forgetting to reload your weapon before you shoot' and why taking a drink can be more dangerous than you think.. Enjoy it, and subscribe to our channel if you like our episodes. Video is added to the OP ;)
  5. WmDGeneralHeaven

    DayZ with WmD - Miniseries

    Latest episode added to the OP, enjoy! :)
  6. WmDGeneralHeaven

    DayZ with WmD - Miniseries

    Ye indeed, that's why we got so confused. Because he ran just right through our whole group. I think you the video also shows why I'm not the designated sniper in our group :P haha
  7. WmDGeneralHeaven

    DayZ with WmD - Miniseries

    New episode added to the OP, enjoy!
  8. WmDGeneralHeaven

    DayZ with WmD - Miniseries

    Hey guys,Originally we're a Company of Heroes clan (WWII RTS) but we have a big group playing DayZ for a few months now. Thought it would be a nice idea to make a miniseries with the adventures that we have. I'll shall post the latest episode here, the other 4 are on our Youtube-channel: http://www.youtube.c...Yw?feature=mhee . Enjoy and subscribe if you did :) Episode 09: Chernooooo