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The L!ne

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Everything posted by The L!ne

  1. The L!ne

    Where are all the animals?

    i like the dayzmap.info better :D its cleaner und not so overloaded
  2. The L!ne

    DayZ Anfäger Hilfe

    sieht man doch, dass es nen spambot ist. ich habe viele von deinen Punkten schonmal in meinem Video verarbeitet: schau mal hier:
  3. no please dont. go hunting and searching for food. i like how it is now ;) dont make it more casual
  4. The L!ne


    please read carfully: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1522-please-read-before-posting/
  5. the forums are not supposed for "general suggestion"-threads: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1522-please-read-before-posting/
  6. you can buy it but do not expect to run it above medium settings ;)
  7. The L!ne

    Starting my DayZ

    maybe you should search a group in the forum to form a team over teamspeak/skype and play together then ;)
  8. The L!ne

    An-2 Colt (Large Biplane)

    maybe we can combine it with a crashsite like the heli, but with some other supplies (like medicine and food for the mainloot) and when a weapon then a russian one or something like that ;)
  9. yeah droprate is the same, but you will get hungry/thirsty in a way shorter period ;)
  10. The L!ne

    Poll on Zombies

    maybe do multiple parts? where you ask different questions?
  11. The L!ne

    Poll on Zombies

    i want that stickied pls! we need to get more votes!
  12. The L!ne

    Zombies are OP ATM

    the respawn need some tuning but the general aggro is fine for me. I loose them isanly fast now ;)
  13. the inventory of arma 2 is just not made for an rpg-style game :D
  14. The L!ne

    Hide body

    it does not! it disapears when you disconnect ;) but i guarded a body from a friend like 30minutes until it disapeared
  15. The L!ne

    Day Z Wallpapers

    how can i donwload this image? want to use it too :( EDIT: nevermind i found the button in the right-bottom corner :D
  16. The L!ne

    Zombies are OP ATM

    i think the zeds are really fine: they dont hear anything from your shots if they cant see you and they ignore you nearly completly when they dont look in your direction. Even if you pull some Zeds: run in a forest and through some bushes or the leafs of trees and go crouching instantly behin ;) works for me just fine if the zed had some distance (maybe because he tried to hit you)
  17. The L!ne

    Starting my DayZ

    try to give them a chance, but if you get shot too many times: change your behavior maybe in avoiding other players ;)
  18. we need this to be discussed! that is a serious problem and kind of a solution
  19. The L!ne

    Can anyone here gift me Arma 2 on steam?

    now we want to flame a person like you :P until you realise what a bad person your are. and I am serious about the last.
  20. The L!ne

    Hide body

    but you can burry someone? even very fast if you dont have a frosted earth ;) maybe make it dependend on a shovel...
  21. yeah but 10-20 fps comes from your better CPU because arma 2 is very CPU-hungry :D
  22. you got a way better CPU then the OP ;) never underestimate the change in the structure during the yeasr even when you have nearly the same GHz!
  23. +1 please implement this!
  24. The L!ne

    Hide body

    I had a talk with some guys on my teamspeak yesterday: they called my a bit of an "asshole" because i hid it to make the live harder for other players. But my argument: for example i did not take the weapon and let the body where it is: how can i secure that i do not get shot in the back with that weapon? So I hide all my tracks and even zombies will disappear behind me sometimes...
  25. thanks to Authentic92. And if you find food too common: play on a veteran or expert server. There you will get thirsty and hungry much faster. Its your choice.